because they don't know where else to go. But that is where they err, because since the rejection of the visible representation that was the temple at Jerusalem - when my Father's spirit left that "house" and took up dwelling in His new "temple"... NEW Jerusalem... the "head" of which "house/building/temple" is Christ... and the "body" of which is still be "built up" - there is no "where" to go away to. There is now only the "whom" that is His Christ.
John 6:67-68; 1 Corinthians 3:16; Ephesians 2:20-22; Colossians 1:18
They still believe that the WTBTS is "the truth." Think: how many times were you asked or did you ask of others, "How long have YOU been 'in the truth'?" How often did you brag about... and validate your own existence based on... your family's long legacy in "the truth"? "
They believe the WTBTS is "the truth" because they walk... by sight... rather than by FAITH... keeping their eyes on a "visible representation [of the Lord] on earth" (Proclaimer's Book, pg. 219). Keeping their eyes on the thing SEEN... rather than on the things UNSEEN.
Sadly, they entirely miss the truth... that there is only ONE Truth (John 14:6), the Son of God. So, although they walk by sight... so that they SAY they see... they are, in truth... BLIND. Miserably so.
May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Most Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAH, of Armies, grant them to receive eyesalve... from the One who sells it... just as He mercifully granted us... if they truly wish it.
Revelation 3:17, 18; 22:17
And may you all have peace.
A servant to the Household of God, Israel, and those that go with them... and a slave of Christ,