WHY do they stay?!?!

by Pwned 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    I can comment from my own perspective having stayed about 15 years too long after my 3rd real experience in cognitive dissonance with the WTS.

    Staying seemed easier than leaving at that point. I thought I could somehow insulate myself from the BS. That somehow God would wake up to the crap being done in his name and get rid of the perpetrators. But then I finally realized that why should God clean house when it is not his house.

    People who live in abusive situations live in the land of Denial. Some stay and some move on because finally the pain of staying is worse than the pain of leaving.


  • Shania

    The fog began to clear the Sunday my hubby was conducting the WT concerning the generation change. My hubby said "this is a red flag to me, they are just trying to slip this by the friends like it is no big deal---------BUT IT IS A BIG DEAL" That was the beginning of the end for us we began seeing the "emperor with no clothes on" I just want to shout the truth "he is naked and exposed" but we had to keep silent and research and learn things we should of learned about the Society long before we raised our family in a cult-------------people stay out of fear of honesty and exposing it.........

  • trevor

    It is not surprising that a well organized group such as Jehovah's Witnesses, offering a ready made package guaranteed to be ?the truth,? will appeal to many. They offer everlasting life on earth without surrender of the human body. This is a unique idea, foreign to Christians and most other religions. The idea of once again living on earth with close friends or relatives, who have passed away, is to many an added attraction of this concept.

    As long as they are prepared to accept the latest garbage that spills out of Bethel they are told that they can hold onto their dream.

  • JustTickledPink

    An exd-witness told me that the reason she loved the "truth" was because it answered all her questions. If you had a question, they had an answer. Well, finally it didn't add up anymore, but it was a nice neat little box of beliefs, no more questioning why.

  • r51785

    Abraham Lincoln said: "You can fool some of the people all of the time."

  • Whiskeyjack

    It's unfortunate but many people would be happy to let somebody else do their heavy thinking for them. For the older generation like my folks, it boils down to "escalation of commitment" IMO and social control/programming for the younger (but this is no longer as effective with resources like the internet).

    By "providing all the answers" (no admissions ever from GB such as -"well, we're not really sure..."), the org. provides individuals with an opportunity to abrogate their personal responsibility in moral decisions. An attractive package for many.


  • fairchild
    how do you rationalize staying. it blows my mind.

    The reasons are different for each individual. There might be as many reasons to stay as there are to leave. Why does a woman stay with her husbamd even though he beats the crap out of her every time he is drunk? Perhaps because she has been taught that standing by your man no matter what, is the only right thing to do. Perhaps she doesn't know where else to go. Perhaps she hopes against better judgment that he will quit drinking.

    'Mistakes' made by the WBTS are usually turned around in such a way that the fault for such mistakes are on the member's head, not on the GB's head. When 1975 came and went, the blame was put on 'overzealous publishers'.

    There is also the issue of guilt. Has anyone tried to leave without the elders taking them on a guilt trip along the paths of spiritual weakness?

    Pressure. When someone leaves, they often lose their entire family. How many people are staying in (with their body, not wih their heart), because they know they will be shunned if they quit going to the meetings?

    Teachings, and especially the repetition thereof, reach deep inside. If you have been taught for as long as you can remember that the WBTS is God's organization on earth, it takes more than someone telling you that 607BCE was just another insignificant day in history. Proof doesn't mean much, because you have been taught that such 'proofs' are just satan trying to lure you into hesitation. Separation from the WBTS does not always come easy.

  • tijkmo

    interesting spin on changing beleifs at our circuit assembly today........d.o. said some youngsters say the truth is boring...i reply to them no you are boring - the truth is exciting........then he said how boring it must be to be a catholic-they've had the same teachings for 500 years...hearty guffaws all round..tijkmo

  • iiz2cool
    Especially people like elders, bethelites etc,

    Where else can uneducated people wield power and authority over others?


  • jgnat

    Cognitive Dissonance. Excerpted from the following link: http://skepdic.com/cognitivedissonance.html

    For example, Marian Keech was the leader of a UFO cult in the 1950s. She claimed to get messages from extraterrestrials, known as The Guardians, through automatic writing. Like the Heaven's Gate folks forty years later, Keech and her followers, known as The Seekers or The Brotherhood of the Seven Rays, were waiting to be picked up by flying saucers. In Keech's prophecy, her group of eleven was to be saved just before the earth was to be destroyed by a massive flood on December 21, 1954. When it became evident that there would be no flood and the Guardians weren't stopping by to pick them up, Keech

    became elated. She said she'd just received a telepathic message from the Guardians saying that her group of believers had spread so much light with their unflagging faith that God had spared the world from the cataclysm (Levine 2003: 206).

    More important, the Seekers didn't abandon her. Most became more devoted after the failed prophecy. (Only two left the cult when the world didn't end.) "Most disciples not only stayed but, having made that decision, were now even more convinced than before that Keech had been right all along....Being wrong turned them into true believers (ibid.)." Some people will go to bizarre lengths to avoid inconsistency between their cherished beliefs and the facts. But why do people interpret the same evidence in contrary ways?

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