I figured since there was a rate your wife topic, I would do the other. If it has been already done, please disregard this. What number 1-10 is your hubby? I would rate mine a 9. He definitely was worth sorting out the bad ones for. He is my best friend in this whole world and has always been on my side (even when my side was the loneliest one). Love you Glenn!
Rate your Husband
by Maxine Mouse 29 Replies latest social entertainment
good grief!
i dont have a husband anymore!
any offers? applicants must be employed, clean, well
hungbuilt, and like my cooking. -
Maxine Mouse
You know ballistic if you didnt like this thread or have anything to add, you could have just not replied. Not every post that comes out of your head is an award winner either. I am fairly new here and have never started a topic before. But THANK YOU for making my first topic make me feel like crap. With a little practice maybe I can become the scholar you are.
applicants must be employed, clean, well
hungbuilt, and like my cooking.I'm employed and my stomach is very well hung.
Maxine Mouse, come on now. It was not my intention to make you feel crap. It's a great post, but I am male, and the resident cynic. And there's no shortage of feminists on this site who start threads leaving us sweet innocent Jehovahs Witness boys feeling half inch tall. Believe me.
I would rate Thunder a 10. He is my best friend, my lover, my favorite writer and he is dead sexy
oh god, can I do that good grief thing again!
but I am male,
your sex on profile shows female..........It is a bit confusing you have to admit.
A moderator changed it - ha! Don't ask me why - it's a long story.