Every year since I DA'ed myself I have two good friends that are ex-jws that beg me to come and "picket'' the JW assemblies with them. I have turn them down every year but I kind of think I want to do it because my reasoning is that If I picket I will finally be telling JW's and the WTS that I am not afraid of them. I didn't realize how much "fear" the WTS puts into its members until the other day when I ran into my JW sister at the supermarket and she literally left her 1/2 full shopping cart and ran out of the store without speaking to me. This made me angry as well as furious to think that the WTS has that much power to controll people. Now I want to stand in front of the assembly with 10 picket signs for all the JW's to see that I am not under their controll. Somebody once said that leaving the JW's is like leaving the "mob or mafia". I think that is a perfect scenerio because JW's are literally terrified of the WTS. I want to hear from ex-jws that picketed since you left the JW's how did it make you feel? Was it liberating? Were you afraid? Did you see old friends and family members looking at you with disgust? Give me some advice because my friends have already made the ex-jw picket signs. My friends have told me that the JW's can be cruel towards apostates such as spitting at them, trying to run them over with their car, throwing trash at them, etc;
Should I "picket" the JW assembly with my "apostate" friends or not?
by booker-t 27 Replies latest jw friends
So do not sink to their level - do not picket the assembly - it makes them feel righteous and "proves" they are right about apostates
Hi Booker-t:
If I felt like I needed to make a statement to say I am free and not afraid anymore I may decide to picket once or so.
If my family was shunning me I would probably hold up a picket sign telling my family members I love them and am waiting with open arms for them to love me again. Something like that.
Or maybe a sign about the blood issue or the WT policies that protect abusers. -
Don't do it for your friends.
Do it only if you think you will be helping someone at the convention.
If you can think of other ways you feel will work, do that.
I have some small business size cards that say
Toll-Free Help-Line
For those with concerns about Jehooah's Witnesses and the
Watchtower Society who are seeking confidential assistance.
Help-Line, P.O. Box 83092, Milwaukee, WI 53223
It is manned or womaned by people who are ex-JWs and who can point you to material that can educate and sometimes a person in your area that can give your support.
My friends have told me that the JW's can be cruel towards apostates such as spitting at them, trying to run them over with their car, throwing trash at them, etc;
This is one of those decisions that you have to make on your own. If you feel comfortable doing it---then do so. If you're apprehensive--don't do it.
I'm not a risk-taker (usually) but if the JWs really act like that---it would be quite a "show" for the nonJW onlookers around the arena! Seeing those "smiley-friendly" people who knock on their doors, turned into a nasty bunch of screwballs might be the BEST "witness" that could be!!
Keeping dignified and not retaliating would irritate the hell out of them and I'd go for it if I could!
We have the internet now- if a Dub wants info he can get it 24/7. I got over my guilt years ago. But if you must protest, be a ghost. I would park a van or truck with a big sign on a public right of way just before the session ends - an exit is best as they don't have time to counter you at the end of the assembly session. They look for trouble at the start of the sessions. Drive thru the parking lot or pick a good picnic area the night before and sprinkle a few small tracts - they will be found and read. Some poor dub MS will then have to police the parking lots and grounds!. Post flyer's at the motels JW's stay at- I'll bet the manager will OK it,too. Don't forget the game room for the rebellious JW kids sake. If you know that JW's are at a motel, then on the last night put tracts behind the gas cap doors to be found later when no one is watching them. Are you brave enough for that one? I was!
the problem with picketing is that like others have said you only reinforce what they have been taught about JW's. I think the subtle approach might work better. Although I tell you what if you just held up a big sign with just the URL of this site or freeminds.org it would be only human nature for a good % (even if only 10%) to look at it out of curiosity, especially studies and fence sitters.
I don't think picketing assemblies helps JWs to see the Tower for what it is. On the other hand, it usually gets some media attention, which shows others there are problems in paradise. Do what helps you--in the end, I think that's what really matters. Several years ago I was interviewed by the newspaper in my area. The paper was doing a series of articles on various religions. The Witnesses were interviewed, and of course everything was roses, but my input painted a very different picture. I understand that the local Witnesses were very upset that I spoiled their day of fame in the press. The Tower usually gets some free press during assemblies; picketing former JWs gets some, too.
Well as usual I have to add my 2 cents worth. I picketed Brooklyn Bethel, Toronto Skydome & Assemblies of Jehovahs witness for many,many years,
I had a sign & prayed they would read it,,, There was a bus load of us. They ( Bethelites) knew we were coming ( as we went for 6 years) on the same day every year. They did the usual thing - sent the cops after us. But we had a wonderful time "witnessing" to the cops. Especially since they wanted to speak to someone who had LIVED in Bethel & we had Joan Cetnar with us,,,, If you dont know Joan your missing a wonderful experience.Even the cops received knowledge & were greatful.
Image how wonderful it was years later whilst we were at the "Witness Now For Jesus" Convention- (all ex JWS...)Folks stood up & said that was one of the reasons they were attending this convention because of the signs......PTL.
This year it is held on Oct 14 at Pennsylvania.... Two years ago 4 of the "rmenant" were there & came free!!!!! It is so good to know I had a very small part in cutting the chains of oppression....
If any want to see the picket tapes .get in touch with www.pfo.org
Well as usual I have to add my 2 cents worth.
And I'm so glad that you DID! I was hoping that you would see this and add your comments.