Should I "picket" the JW assembly with my "apostate" friends or not?

by booker-t 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Berean

    Why would you? You only entrench them in their paranoia. ?My faith was tested today when the Wicked Slave PERSECUTED me; I am a faithful Witness and RESISTED SATIN.? Hence, a stronger and more convinced follower of the ?Gods of This System of Things? - leaders of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society; aka mortal men who have set themselves up as gods today and receive their accolades now.

    Your sister ran out of the store leaving a cart half loaded with groceries. You made her ?Christian? day ? no, her month. She will relate that for a long time, it will be convention material.

    Go about your business and let them alone, let them feed on their own vomit.

    Just my own humble opinion.

  • mouthy

    Thanks Annie. It was a wonderful experience to Picket. I even "cornered" a " brother" where no one could see us. Had a lovely talk with him. He said he could tell I was sincere.... I prayer for him.... But I know what a stong-hold the ole devil has on the WT mind....

    I too thought those that picketed( while I was a JW) was nuts. But now I LOVE them so much -I would send them THANK you cards if I knew them now.

    The 1-800 Why 1914 phone line wont agree with the picket. -Marilyn is a wonderful ex JW ( that mans it) but we think differantly now- ( still talk to each other) But we all "I did it my way"Now

    That is what I LOVE about being free -Folks can think me nuts. But they :aint" my judge .....

  • mouthy

    Berean!!! Isnt it wonderful to agree to disagree..((hug))

  • Kenneson


    A poster on this forum by the name of Junction-Guy has had considerable experience in picketing. Perhaps the following threads might be of interest to you:

  • GetBusyLiving

    I think you are better off doing nothing and letting the people who have doubts come to you via the internet. That whole apostate concept gets witnesses all hot and bothered and stirred up to continue on in the lie.


  • Junction-Guy

    Yes it me, Junction-Guy, Well I wouldnt call myself a veteran picketer as I have only been doing it since last summer, but I can tell you this: It has been alot of fun and it is liberating. I say go for it, there is definitely power in numbers. If every XJW would spend just one hour a month picketing a Kingdom Hall, then the Watchtower would swiftly crash to the ground. But that wont happen as most people grow complacent and forget what it was like being a child and trapped in that abusive religion. Here are some points to ponder;

    1. Be very friendly when you picket, have a big old grin on your face, smile and wave to people.

    2. Dont harass or yell at people-for some reason picketers in the past have come across as a very angry people and yes that does reinforce JW's opinions of Apostates. As long as you are polite to people, they will literally cringe inside. "kill em with kindness" as the old saying goes.

    3. Remember, above all else, that the chances of actually snatching someone away from the WT Society are about the same as winning the lottery-very slim, so dont let this disappoint you. The main purpose of my picketing is not to de-convert the JW's but to expose the WT Society to so called "worldly" passerby's. This will give you ample opportunity to do some anti-witnessing. I have had numerous people pull their cars to the side of the road and ask me to explain what im doing.

    4. Most people nowadays dont seem to connect the JW's with the word "Cult" and this is where my job begins, to explain to people the 1000's of reasons not to get involved with the JW's. I expose everything from the blood issue to pedophiles. No stone is left unturned.

    5.When im standing on the side of the road, I will wave to everyone passing by and alot of people will honk back and give me the thumbs up sign, I will point to my sign, so it gets attention.

    Well there are probably things I have left off, and maybe I can add more in a day or 2.

    Go with your friends and have a good time, hold your head high, and tell the whole world what an abusive, destructive, religion the WT is.

    PS- I havent picketed any conventions yet, only some local kingdom halls, but you and your friends are welcome to come to Tennessee and picket with me.


  • Berean


    you said "Berean!!! Isn?t it wonderful to agree to disagree..((hug))"

    That's no kidding. In the Borg, if we didn't agree, one of us would be dis-fellowshipped from this site. Buh-bye.

    There is more fellow felling here than there ever was in the Christian Congregation of Jehovah?s Witnesses. I can't tell you how many "cruel" things were said to me when I was an elder; and the same person would then turn around and claim that if a publisher were to say something "about an elder", they would suffer consequences ? mouthy hypocrites. Everyone has been very considerate to me here; much more ?Christian?, imagine that, ?apostates? more Christian! Can?t tell you how glad I am to not be going to meeting anymore.

  • Oroborus21


    I don't know what effect the picketing ever produced. Perhaps a few called Randy's Why-1914 telephone line. I believe the Internet has replaced the need to picket in terms of getting info out there.

    However, as you have alluded to there is the human element and so if it makes you feel good, if it is a cathartic experience for you then go for it. Don't forget the sunscreen. I think that the advice above about smiling and keeping a pleasant attitude is very good. Being antagonistic, calling them a cult or having stupid signs like "Read the Bible not the Watchtower" are both ineffective and counterproductive to your aims. Similarly, "doctrinal" signs like "what about 1975?" or "why 1914?" are pretty unproductive and will be ignored.

    You should get together with your friends and come up with a different strategy this year. I suggest something along the lines of slogans that say and express 1) that there is life and happiness outside of the org and after leaving it that you are still living a moral life and 2) that it is OK to question or have doubts about the Org.

    that could basically be your signs:

    "It is OK for you to Doubt"

    "You are not Alone"

    "Other Witnesses Share Your Doubts"

    "Life Outside the Organization Can Be Good!"

    "We are HERE because we Love You!"

    "You can be Happy, NOW!"

    "Happiness: No Waiting"

    "Go ahead and Surf the Net"

    "The Society Says it is OK to Examine Your Religion"

    "Do You Know Your Own History?"

    "How can you teach others if you haven't studied your own Religion?"


    Remember keep it to the magic number 7 plus or minus 2 or the signs will be unreadable/forgettable and if you can try to use humor.


  • GetBusyLiving

    Hey Edwardo, those are some really good idea's for signs!


  • Oroborus21

    To the "Other Witnesses Share Your Doubts" add "Find them on the Net"


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