I went there out of curiosity to see how she was doing, she was absolutely instrumental in my coming to know about Jehovah's Witnesses. Knowing the destructive bend that she was on nearly 20 years ago, my hope was that she was possibly in a position to gain some life saving information from the things I've experienced at JWD. The stranglehold, however, continues to exist. What amazed me was the way she could defend those in the Kingdom Hall, her statements regarding all the different types of problematic people Jehovah is bringing out of the world, drug users, murderers, rapist, child molesters, and the like.
" If you see something or hear of someone in the hall who may be having a problem in this area, don't be shocked or surprised as this is only Jehovah's way of working out theses peoples situations, Jehovah takes all these different kind of people out of the world, and we need to wait on him to work out the problem "
When she said that, I was floored. I didn't display any outward emotion, but inside I was reeling from the shock that anyone could in anyway excuse such behavior under any circumstances.
The mentality that can come to be so destroyed is truly frightening. I've suffered, although be it from a drug induced, psychotic nervous breakdown back in the 70's, going thru the motions of being in and out of the organisation during those days, the minds ability to wreak havvoc on a once normal person is a hellish situation that I believe one never truly recovers from, you just get better about where you are in your life.
Mental illness runs rampant in my family, making the Jehovah's Witness experience an even more volatile situation. To see her now, I wonder if she too may have suffered a nervous breakdown somewhere within the near 20 years that I've not seen her.