christian words or expressions you will never hear a jdub say

by in a new york bethel minute 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • what_Truth?

    rapture, vestuble, sermon, pastor, talking in tounges, backsliding

  • bagpuss


  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation

    Good choice Bagpuss

  • AuntieJane

    Well, this is more of a prayer than an expression, but it is my favorite:

    Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
    Where there is hatred . . . let me sow love
    Where there is injury . . . pardon
    Where there is doubt . . . faith
    Where there is despair . . .hope
    Where there is darkness . . . light
    Where there is sadness . . .joy
    Divine Master,
    grant that i may not so much seek
    To be consoled . . .as to console
    To be understood . . .as to understand,
    To be loved . . . as to love
    For it is in giving . . .that we receive,
    It is in pardoning, that we are pardoned,
    It is in dying . . .that we are born to eternal life
    St Francis Prayer

  • coffee_black

    "Thank you, Jesus"


  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog



    They will never read Colossians 1:16 without adding the word "other" between all & things

  • lonelysheep

    Sanctified in the name of jesus

    the choir sure sounded good today!

    Church dinner will begin at 2:00 pm

    would you like me to hold your child? (rather then send you to the bathroom and listen to others piss while you hold a tired baby)

    Everyone is welcome to come to the front and ask for the congregations prayers at this time. (personal hardships, etc.)

    Do this in remembrance of me..while we ALL EAT the cracker and DRINK the wine.

  • Honesty

    He's Alive !!!!

    My Lord and My God

    And let all the angels worship Him - Hebrews 1:8

    1961 NWT

    Come on down to the altar. There's people waiting here to help you. No matter what, Jesus will forgive you.

  • TonyT

    Jesus loves you.

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    Sunday School for the children is at 10:00

    The cry room is located...

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