
by sf 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • sf

    I found this entry in someones message board that has nothing to do with jws, yet I have seen something similar in my searches:


    The actual post:

    >> lee mcleon - 10/13/00 00:08:40
    My Email:rattlethetattlesnakesings@!opera.met
    Existing club member?: no

    EARTH IN THE BALANCE. Re: preservation and conservation of our natural resources, including our most valued natural resource, human beings, as opposed to that which seeks to replace human beings, that is, humanoids. ~~ Sunny California: When you see them please tell Robert Kennedy, Jr. and John Sweeney that Marian, Eulalie and all the Buffalo Bills and all we ladies send our love. (We can never resist handsome environmentalist and never have we ever resisted a handsome Union man!) Tell Messrs. Kennedy nd Sweeney, too, that Professor Harold Hill is tuning up all the trumpets, oops, trombones. (ssh!)
    ‘Art is perhaps the most inexplicable phenomenon of the human species.’ Still, we all know that enjoying art and beauty is part of what makes us eel ‘human.’ An animal [or a humanoid] might sit on a hill and look at a colorful sky, but is it drawn to beauty as such? We look at a mountain torrent shimmering in the sunshine, stare at the dazzling diversity in a tropical rain forest, gaze at a palm lined beach, or admire the stars sprinkled across the black velvety sky. Often we feel awed, do we not? Beauty of that sort makes our hearts glow, our spirits soar. Why? Why do we have an innate craving for things that, in reality, contribute little m terially to our survival? From where do our aesthetic values come?” (Is There a Creator Who Cares About You? published by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Jehovah’s Witnesses) “Think of it – no more war, crime or violence. … The wicked simply wi l no longer be. (Psalm 37:35-38) This means that there will be no dishonest politicians and greedy business leaders to oppress the people [and ruin the land]. Nor will people be burdened with high taxes to pay for military weapons. Never again will any ne be without good food and comfortable housing because he cannot afford them. Unemployment, inflation and high prices will be no more. The troubles that cause suffering to families today will no longer exist. All will have pleasant work to do, and the will be able to see and enjoy the results of their labors. First of all, those who survive Armageddon will have the work of cleaning up the earth and cleaning away the ruins of this system. And then they will have the privilege, under the direction of he Kingdom rule, of cultivating the earth and making it a beautiful place in which to live. WHAT A HAPPY WORK THAT WILL BE! [emphasis added] God will bless everything that is done. He will provide the right kind of climate to grow crops and raise live tock, and he will see to it that these are protected from disease and harm.” (You Can Live Forever in Paradise On Earth, published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Jehovah’s Witnesses) Dear diary, many do not believe the words I just typed. Some want to, but their faith is weak. Jehovah God will strengthen them, diary, strengthen their faith. Jehovah God will open their eyes. As for the arrogant and presumptuous ones, humanoids, those ones who think themselves too intelligent, or too weal hy or too powerful to put their trust in anything other than self, or money, or power, those ones shall stay on the other side of the veil. Amen. ~~ "Since the spacing of cultural revolutions is getting shorter, that's something we should pay attention o. There's also a mismatch in the speed of evolution of our technology compared with the evolution of our ethics. If you understand that simple thing, which many people do not, then a lot more effort might be put into play by our society to see how we m ght speed up evolution of our ethics." (Dr. Paul R. Ehrlich, Stanford University, author of "Human Natures: Genes, Cultures and the Human Prospect") "… We're at a fork in the road. We have this incredible prosperity, but a lot of people have been left b hind. And we have a very important decision to make: Will we use the prosperity to enrich all of our families and not just the few? One important way of looking at this is to ask, who are you going to fight for? Throughout my career in public service, have fought for the working men and women of this country, middle-class families. Why? Because you are the ones who have the hardest time paying taxes, the hardest time making ends meet. You are the ones who are making car payments and mortgage paymen s and doing right by your kids. And A LOT OF TIMES THERE ARE POWERFUL FORCES ARRAYED AGAINST YOU. AND MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT, THEY DO HAVE UNDUE INFLUENCE IN WASHINGTON, D.C., AND IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE IF YOU HAVE A PRESIDENT WHO WILL FIGHT FOR YOU. emphasis added] (Al Gore, excerpt from presidential debate, October 3, 2000) ~~ Dear diary, yesterday I wrote some notes written In My Diary, by Anne Frankly Speaking. In the note that I sent to Very Extra Special and Extraordinarily Handsome FBI Agent Kermit the Frog, I mention that he is correct, I am a veiled woman (an undercover FBI agent woman), a woman wrapped in mourning as expressed at our interchange of encouragement, Song of Solomon. I am every woman who has mourned a loved one, and most esp cially those ones whose loved ones died at the hands of the FBI, either directly or indirectly. I am Ethel Kennedy, diary. I am Coretta Scott King. Yes, I am Jeanne Ashe. And I am Camille Cosby. I am Yoko Ono. I am the wife of Jong Lee and Jin Shen Liu and Mathis Weingarten. I am Jackie Kennedy. I am the daughter of Mr. Racenstein. Diary, I am Caroline Kennedy SchlossbergTo do. Get USA Today, October 4, 2000 editorial written by Edward M. Kennedy. Will need it for when I contact Norther Ireland Constabulary to follow up on the assignment given me from the Eight and Nine Executive Chairmen. Then, e-mail a note to all our friends in Columbus to commend them for supporting Maryellen O'Shaughnessy, the candidate who will fight for the citi ens, and not the special interests groups, and word has it there are some very interesting "special interest" groups in Columbus, Ohio; groups who do not have the interests of the citizens at heart. Our hats are off to Maryellen O'Shaughnessy for having he energy, and the courage, yea, the integrity to take on this challenge! Let's support our next Congresswoman from Ohio! ~~ Dear editor: Would you please write an editorial to the FBI and help them see that it is quite unethical for them, an agency of the government, to show favoritism for a particular candidate, Lazio, even going so far as setting up bogus websites so that, unless one know the exact web address, it is almost impossible to find the other candidate's official website, Hillary2000, and, even more unethical, murder, Mr. and Mrs. Racenstein. How very partisan! ~~ Can I help you wake up some sleeping Americans, Kermit? Not many know that there is a war taking place, a spiritual war. The battle of Armageddon, the spiritual war wherein S tan the devil incarnate, Satan the Bureau, that is, the FBI, tries to gain control of everyone's minds. It is frightening, for "he" is doing an excellent job! Take, for example, the Republicans candidates’ frequent mention that they are against "big gov rnment." If one listens, inattentively, one could easily overlook the fact that it is the Republicans who have assigned themselves the "big government" role of policing the wombs of every female American. Ultraconservative Republicans want to be the wom police, making it unlawful for a woman to have the right to govern her own body, but yet, they then turn around and murder or otherwise destroy many of those babies before they reach adulthood, that is, if the skin is black. Now, Kermit, as you know, I o not believe in abortion, but I do not think it should be a federal offense, as do George W. Bush, and his supporters. It is a private matter, between a woman and her conscience, and her god. All this talk about the Republicans being against "big govern ent" is just that, talk; talk called "doublespeak." The ultrasconservative Republicans are well aware of the vast right wing conspiracy to have the government, the FBI, play an even greater role in the lives of every American. It hopes, though, that mos Americans remain asleep, preoccupied with getting tax breaks, completely tuned out with social and cultural issues. (I am reminded of how easily Americans allowed advertising to make them pick up cigarettes in decades past, and alcohol. True, most midd e class Americans see through the deceptive advertising today, yet these ones – college educated, middle class Americans - still sleep concerning other cunning deceptions which affect them directly and rob them of reaching their potential.) Diary, I ask you, is that what it's all about, just accumulating wealth? Have we no higher purpose in life? No nobility of purpose? No social and cultural conscience? ~~ (Heavenly Father, please do not allow the vast right wing conspirators the power to remove CS AN from being broadcast. Father, please help the people to know about Citizens for CSPAN. Thank you, Father. Amen.) ~~ Diary, next week, and the week after, I hope to become acquainted with more of the Democratic candidates, in hopes that I can work n their campaign committee. I so enjoy working for Al Gore, Linda Chafin, Hillary Clinton, Jon Corzine, Jane Harman, Ron Klink, Herbert Kohl, Zell Miller, Bill Nelson, Maryellen O'Shaughnessy, and too, Charles Robb, Debbie Stabenow, and, and, well, diary I'd like to widen out. I'd like to work for Sanford Bishop, and the professional golfer, Payne Stewart's friend, too! (ssh!) ~~ Dear diary, I find it interesting that Senator Connie Mack is retiring at age 60. To do. Find out how Democrats fare fi ancially, as compared to Republicans, upon entering the Senate, or House, and upon leaving the Senate, or House. Be sure to include an analysis of the kinds of employment and or board membership offered to each side of the floor. In the final analysis, e sure and include Cheney. And Mack. ~~ “Mr. Cheney’s contacts from his years in government made him attractive to the Halliburton Company … Halliburton had benefited from financial guarantees from federal agencies.” (NYT, 10/11/00, p.A30) ~~ “The c mmercial accurately reports that Houston last year surpassed Los Angeles as the city with the most federal ozone health standard violations in the country. It alludes to the fact that Mr. Bush worked with industry leaders – and not environmental groups – to draft an anti-pollution law last year that allowed companies long out of compliance with state standards to pursue licenses voluntarily under relaxed terms.” (NYT, 10/11/00, p.A30) Diary, contrary to what the Bush camp, and some in the media, are try ng to convince us is true, the fact of the matter is, George W. Bush is a deceptor, a happy go lucky kind of guy deceptor. True, it is not easy to read his true colors, nonetheless, he is one who deceives, and therefore, George W. Bush will not be electe president in November. This has nothing to do with polls, or even past elections, past deceptors. Jehovah God has now intervened in mankind’s affairs, and Jehovah God Himself will maneuver things (lest there be no human life left, nor a planet); Al Gor will win to become our next president. Then the plan, the restoration, will begin to take place. Yes, Jehovah God will reward those ones who appreciate and take care of our planet, this beautiful home he has given us, with storehouses full of everythin we could possibly need, or want. Diary, I am in awe each time I think about the marvelous way Jehovah ensures reproduction - human, of course, and also importantly, our food supply, fruits and such - that the seeds are in the fruit itself. What wisdom! Too, Jehovah will reward all who treat others as they themselves wish to be treated, those ones who show fellow feeling for others, empathy, the mind of Christ. NOW, at the same time, Jehovah God will “bring to ruin those who are ruining the earth.” ( evelation 11:18) Diary, here is a sacred secret, that is, that nothing - absolutely NOTHING! – no wealth, no power, no old boy or big boy or WASPy boy network - can thwart the taking place of the plan. Smirk, smirkers. Mock, mockers. Ridicule, ridicul rs. Deride, deriders. Disbelieve, unbelievers. And scheme, schemers. NOTHING, no vast right wing conspiracy can stop Jehovah God’s will for the earth, and the peoples upon the earth, from taking place, NOW! Amen. ~~ Dear diary, the more I know ab ut Senator McCain, the more I like him. Although he is doing some things the GOP tell him to - concerning campaigning for candidates, including Lazio - still, John McCain is his own man; the vast right wing conspirators cannot use him like a puppet. And for that reason, Senator McCain has been inducted into the witness protection program, the Jehovah’s Witnesses Protection Program; he need not fear harm from Lott and Thurmond, and the rest of the boys. ~~ Dear diary, I do not claim to represent Al Gore Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Tipper Gore, Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg, Edward M. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Patrick Kennedy, Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Ethel Kennedy, Joan Kennedy, or any senators or members of the House, including Senators Kenn dy, Byrd, Moynihan, Rockefeller, Leahy, Daschle, Kerry, Robb, Dorgan, Harkin, Durbin, Feingold, McCain, Boxer, Chafee, Crapo, Gordon Smith, Snowe, Voinovich and others, or Corzine, and, of course, or, Bonior, Conyers, Ethridge, Ford, Gephardt, Jefferson, Kennedy, Rangel, Wu, most and, NOW, certainly not DeLauro, Holmes Norton, McCarthy, Stabenow or Waters nor others within their ranks, no, not even Obey, or Bliley, Jr., or Ron Klink. (Who says Democrats can’t work with Republicans? {Ha!} However, everyo e is sworn to secrecy, sacred secrecy.) Nor do I claim to represent AARP, NOW, NRDC, AFL-CIO, ADL, NAACP, NUL, MADD, ABA, CBC, NEA, NEA, CSPAN, PBS, CNN, CBS, The Turning Point, Business Leaders for Sensible Priorities, J.P. Morgan, Mosaica, Goldman Sach , The Metropolitan Opera, the Metropolitan Museum, the Brooklyn Public Library, or anyone else mentioned in these notes, including the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I speak ith authority give me from my God, Jehovah. ~~ To Extra Special FBI Agent Kermit the Frog. From Secret Agent Woman Butterfly. This portion of the mission is accomplished. Please let me know next steps. Email me [email protected] o [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you. P.S. how detestable, that VRWCs arranged the murder of innocent sailors, just so Congress can justify a big increase in the defense budget, and too, to distract from the anti-cri e bill which is before the Senate. How cunning. How evil. How reprehensible! ~~ These notes, written In My Diary by Anne Frankly Speaking, are written in memory of many who were murdered either directly or indirectly by vast right wing conspirators a d the FBI, including John John, his wife, his father, John F. Kennedy, his uncle, Robert F. Kennedy, his sister-in-law, his friend, Martin Luther King; Arthur Ashe; Martha Mitchell; Marilyn Monroe; John Lennon; professional golfer, Payne Stewart; JonBenet Ramsey (though the FBI did not participate in the actual murder, the FBI did, however, participate in the cover-up to conceal the murderer, a wealthy and powerful prominent Republican, from exposure and punishment for his so very heinous crime); Mr. Shinh ster, NAACP voter registration coordinator at NAACP, until earlier this year; and Jong Lee and Jin Sheng Liu and Mathis Weingarten; and Mr. and Mrs. Racenstein; and yes, and Princess Diana. Of each of you, I ask, "Forget thee?" My heart, yea, my very so l repeatedly replies, "NEVER!”

    -----------END OF POST-----------


    Now, the other posts I've been findin in random message boards and guestbooks all have similar themes and were dated back in '97. This is the most recent one I've come upon.

    So, as I gathered from reading the entire post, this person is a jw or not? The entries into their diary are peculiar.

    sKally, on her way to search "operation watchtower/bush" bwahhhhhhhhhhhhhroflol

  • mommy

    This is indeed weird! I emailed him, but I don't know if it is a correct adress. You said you saw something similar before? Double WOW!
    Edited to let you know it was a fake addy...haha

    In a controversy the instant we feel anger, we have already ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for ourselves.

  • Maximus

    sKally, have you ever heard of schizophrenia? Do you know how some schizophrenics behave off medication?

    In that light, can you understand how someone could spout off stuff like that?


  • sf

    Well, here is the New york University messageboard "tattlesnake" posts on:


    The post is simply to extensive to paste. It is a list of this persons entries into a diary.

    "anne speaking frankly"'s a great handle!

    sKally, hell no, we won't go klass

  • larc


    The is the classic writing of a very intelligent paranoid schizophrenic. It is sad that this psychotic individual chose to expose their severe illness to the public domain of the internet.

    sf, what is your objective in advertising this person's menal illness?

    I have a friend who writes like this. He once gave me 25 pages of material that he wanted me to copy and give to all the faculty at the college from which he graduated. Of course, I did not do that. I didn't see any point in letting the faculty become aware of the illness that this once healthy person was suffering.

    When you have known someone, as I have, before and after they have had a psychotic break, it is a heart wrenching thing to witness.

  • Seeker

    This is where discernment can come in handy. Ignoring what the person wrote, but merely examining how they wrote it, you can see clear signs of mental illness. Nothing of value will come from taking seriously what a severely mentally ill person thinks is happening in the world.

  • sf

    Um, then why did you all read it? Glad ya did though; pretty hilariASS.


  • larc


    No, it is not hilarious; it is tragic. I don't care for people how make fun of the mentally ill. If it ever hits a friend or family member, you won't think it is so funny. Hey, but in your case, what is the point of being ignorant unless you can show it off.

  • larc


    Why did I read it, because I read most links that are put here, and I read the diary to know what the person was about.

  • Tina

    Oh My!
    I have to concur with others here. This is a very sick individual. Classic schizophrenic paranoid worldview.

    Scally,I appreciate that you want to present info to ex-jw's. But what's gonna happen here is that by posting indiscriminate baloney like this it becomes a self-defeating strategy. You'll get known for this and most will ignore the links. So when you do have something valid and legitimate to offer ,it will go unoticed. Just a suggestion.regards,Tina

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