Hey Skally,
I have a good friend who's son (about 35) just got out of the mental hospital with schizophrenia. A handsome, blond, young man - highly intelligent, mild mannered, who will probably live with his father as long as his father can handle it.
The father tricks the son into taking his meds - because the son doesn't think he needs them - an evil scheme by the government & doctors.
The father supports the son because the son can't keep a job because he won't take his meds. When on meds, he's a great salesman, electrician, several other things. When off, he walks around talking with persons no one else sees.
I wrote on this forum a couple of months ago how the son ended up in the Mental Hospital. He loves the Internet. Was on some FBI site giving articles on Mind Control (because he thinks the FBI is doing this to him.) Came to a page which said was not accessible unless security clearance. He figured out how to bypass it and did. He then read the material, did not agree with the author, and called him at the FBI office. They asked how he was able to read the information. Being honest, he told them.
The FBI called mental hospital and told them to pick up the caller "for observation." They came knocking on his door, and the son ended up with a free three week vacation courtesy of the US Government at "Bull Street Mental Hospital". Btw, he had no choice - and he was not invited to pack any clothes.
The man, Charles, is free now, supposed to take his meds, doesn't, and basically just a misfit. No one can seem to help him.
But his dad won't let him use his computer anymore. Don't blame the dad on that one.
Can a passerby immediately see that the son is mentally ill? Not unless he talks to himself. Other than that, just conversing with him, what he talks about, how he talks about it, are the only clues that "all is not right."
Such a shame. Btw, his mother is on the same meds. She thinks Satan and his demons follow her. Her ex-husband agrees with her on that one.