Have you experienced a Tornado?

by jeanniebeanz 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • the_classicist

    Not really, but this kind of counts: Once saw a funnel start to form a long ways out, probably over the ocean, but it got sucked back up after a while.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Indiana has seen some horrific outbreaks over the years - Palm Sunday in 65 [?] - dozens of tornadoes ripped the entire midwest - massive outbreak in 1973 that killed a dozen or so in our small towns close by - have been within a quarter mile of one twice - but never in it directly - one took an entire trailer park out and dumped it in the middle of the lake - 2 killed I think - every spring we get dozens in the area

    Be glad you are in Frisco - not too much danger there comparitively.

    F5's are the worst - and we some every year around here - just had tornado drills at work this week.

    Hate em -


  • missy04

    My dad and I like to "chase storms" and we love tornados. (Of course we don't love it when anyone gets hurt or when someone's house is destroyed, ect..thats awful) But usually when the tornado siren goes off, my dad is already ready listening to his radio thingy and my mom runs in the basement while my dad and I are high tailing it to the car.

    When I was about two or three, my Grandma, mom and I were driving home late at night from Bloomington, IL i think it was and they were hearing bits and peices on the radio about a tornado warning. Well we were in the middle of nowhere at the time and didn't like the idea of jumping in a ditch as they were overflowing with water. Needless to say it was very windy and a very large tree flew in front of the car. The next thing I remember (I don't remember too much of this) My Grandma was carrying me, her and my mom running into some building and there were tons of people on the floor. It eventually died down and I don't know if anyone was hurt but I guess it was a pretty nasty storm.


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