Did JW males keep their hair long in the 70's?

by Preston 19 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Preston

    I noticed a couple of pics of the guys on JW.com that some of you kept your hair long in the 70's. I can't picture any of you guys getting away with and still being considered "In good standing" with anything that drooped below the ears. WTF? Was this common? Is this a stupid question?

    - Preston

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    We did in our hall. Here's me as a pioneer and MS (about 1983). I had hair over the collar in the back and mid ear on the sides for that slick disco look.


  • talesin

    hahahaha I burst out laughing when I read the question. NO !!!

    So much for regional differences, huh, Big Tex? Here, if your hair was not cut *above the collar*, you got *counselled*, no mikes, etc.


    .... hair Nazis! hahahaha


  • Sassy

    it depended on where you were... when we used to go to district assemblies (as the summer conventions were called then), you always saw longer hair on the guys.. shorter skirts on the women... from the congregations located in the bigger cities.. like Mpls or St Paul.. they were less strict..

    and of course our strict small cong halls would always say..

    Well , there will be whole congregations that might not get in to the new system

    my brother used to get so ticked because my mom would have one of the elders cut his hair....

    I always liked the longer hair on men..

  • whyamihere

    I know my Dad had longer hair in the 70's.

    When I was little I remember lots of guys with longer hair in the mid 80's.


  • cruzanheart

    Yep, that was 1983 alright! Our rehearsal dinner, if I remember correctly. Me with the big hair and oh so skinny! I got quite a catch, though -- wasn't he a cutie pie with those bedroom eyes? (Still is.)


  • Sassy

    your both adorable Nina!

  • BrendaCloutier

    Got married in 75...

    Husband would get counseled if his hair was below collar, or over 1/2 inch over ears, or if sideburns were below earlobes.... Nothing much about the "bangs" or top, or curliness.

    So I learned to cut his hair so it looked cool but was within Elders requirements. When it was a little longer, well, I was just a little "late" in cutting his hair. The Elders (assH that they were) respected that I cut his hair and not some worldy barber. They were weird....to say the least.

  • hillbilly

    Above the ear....and off the collar, Preston. Long hair would be a hippy thing! Most of the Jw's I remember were into the 'greasy kid stuff' look way into the 70's

    I think things did loosen up during the Disco era... at least Disco folks wore "suits" ....Big Tex's hair looks about '80's "down South" to me. for women the classy dressy disco look helped many a hot JW babe look like a high dollar call girl at many a District Convention1

    ~Hill (us cowboy types missed the whole thing class)

  • Preston

    Big Tex, Did the elders say you were going to go to Dante's Disco Inferno if you kept that hairstyle up? As for Talesin's remark, I think long hairstyles in the world of dub-dom were not a candian thing then, people were well enough just comfortable to see long hairstyles on Canadian Hockey. Brenda's AssH comment (the "Ass to the 'H'" brutha) was pretty funny. I dig Cruzan's short hair....

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