"out of my cold ,dead hands......"
Ten killed in US school shooting
by Simon 82 Replies latest social current
Then how do you explain the fact that here in the U.S. we have a murder rate on par with countries like Columbia, instead of places like the U.K or the Netherlands? I've never heard or read about some teenager going on a shooting rampage in in western europe. The last one I heard about was a few years back in Scotland where some adult male went beszerk and killed some little kids at a kindergarden class.
In the past year I can list several shoots where multiple people were shot and killed.
hmm...and yet the same videogames and movies are available in all these other countries you mentioned as well...
in fact, many of our most popular (and disturbing) horror movies originated in japan (The Ring 1 and 2 and The Grudge, to name a couple) and the japanese versions of these movies are WAY more violent and disturbing than the american versions (trust me). some aren't even brought over because they are so violent (check out The Interview...i think that's the title).
the media's responsibility in these atrocities is not as clear cut as some would like to believe.
EDITTED TO ADD: do you know where the Grand Theft Auto vidoegames were developed? that's right. western europe.
It's now illegal to own a hand gun in the UK and whilst we still have gun related crime within the criminal elements of society, we don't have pissed off teenagers being able to massacre their classes at school because they cannot get hold of guns.
If you have easy access to firearms in a violent culture where you are continually taught that violence is the answer (John Wayne films, illegal wars etc) then what do you expect?
No, you don't have too many "pissed off teenagers" making disconcerting headlines. But, since you've disarmed law abiding citizens you now have this:
"The International Crime Victims Survey, conducted by Leiden University in Holland, found that England and Wales ranked second overall in violent crime among industrialized nations.
Twenty-six percent of English citizens -- roughly one-quarter of the population -- have been victimized by violent crime. Australia led the list with more than 30 percent of its population victimized.
The United States didn't even make the "top 10" list of industrialized nations whose citizens were victimized by crime. " -http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=21902
By the way, The US crime rate has been falling over the past 20 years, while the UK's has skyrocketed. You are TWICE as likely to be a victim of violent crime in the UK than in the US. But at least you don't have to read about pissed off teens. Odd isn't it?
fleaman uk
By the way, The US crime rate has been falling over the past 20 years, while the UK's has skyrocketed. Odd isn't it?
Yep ,odd and totally and utterly ridiculous!!
But how much of the UK's violent crime is gun related as opposed to a punch up on a night out?
Ignored One.
If they want to reduce violent crime in the UK perhaps they should ban soccer.
*advises xjw_b12 to run after the soccer comment*
How do you explain Canada, where the gun ownership is higher per capitia then here in the States?
I feel insulted. Let's get this straight:
Gun ownership per 100,000 population: US-85,000, Switzerland-43,000, Canada & Australia-29,000 (source: Canadian department of justice)
Handgun murders (1992) (2)
Handgun 1992 Handgun Murder
Country Murders Population Rate (per 100,000)
United States 13,429 254,521,000 5.28
Canada 128 27,351,509 0.47
Australia 13 17,576,354 0.07
United Kingdom 33 57,797,514 0.06
Japan 60 124,460,481 0.05 -
That's interesting, RunningMan. Do you have anything newer than 13 year old data? I'm curious what it is now...
So why is this discussion about gun control (beating a dead horse...)
Why aren't we talking about the fact that there has been only the tiniest fraction of coverage on this shooting when compared to Columbine, Jonesboro, Springfield...
I'm very perturbed that this shooting which left, what now? 11 dead? has only a few press articles, and hasn't even really interrupted scheduled network programming. Is it because the victims were all poverty stricken minorities, living on one of the poorest reservations in the nation? I wonder if the total lack of opportunites contributed to this boy's insanity? Where were the parents anyways?
The gun control thing is secondary. How many of the shootings have been by kids who legally owned ALL the weapons used? The primary issue is that well-raised, well-adjusted kids do not shoot 27 of their classmates, then kill themselves... Granted, no access to guns, no carnage, and that would be an improvement, IMO, but give me a break. If these kids are so determined, a little thing like gun control is not going to stop them from getting their hands on weapons. (Yes, I am beating that dead horse too, sorry, I just got caught up in the fray.)
But I really want to know what anyone else thinks about the poverty/minority thing?