2034 - A Future History of Jehovah's Witnesses

by slimboyfat 70 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Pwned


    I would like to think that you are right but i think that many people have adopted the mentality, 'hey i've waited this long, might as well ride it out.'

    the thing is the society for all their ineptness has done a good job of changing things w/o people noticing or convinced them that they themselves are to blame, they are always quick to point out 'no one knows the day or time' when it suits them.

  • Oroborus21

    just looking over one of my old posts....i think my prediction about the anointed came to pass no? idk ive not been following JW theology to closely for a few years

  • biblecheck
  • Malachi Elijah
    Malachi Elijah

    You could take 60 years away from Terah, making Adam as 3966bc and the Flood 2310bc, that 120 years as 2430bc, and end 6000 years in 2034AD. However, all calendars of the world divide from the pivotal point of 2370bc. So that wouldn't work, and 4344 years to year 6000 when continued in a 360-day calendar would expect the ancient world awaiting for 1914AD, which locks in 1975 for whole years. Further, I too in 1983 thought the 120 years from Russell's first article in 1876 to 1996 but this is because all 50th jubilees from 537bc to 455bc ended 7 weeks to rebuild the city as 1914 to 1996. There was the fact that the rest of the Bible went the 12 years of Nehemiah, but in 1983 I wasn't willing to look toward 2008 beyond 1996 because what could be greater than a wall between a city watch tower and its temple inside the city. Then I was also spurred on by being violently attack by Satan or the Devil via all elders and all circuit overseers. Liars who said I took 1996 from Ussher and so believed a 588bc destruction and 6000 years as 1996. NOT so. IN fact I cried in fear, and Jehovah told me that the Studies in the Scriptures by Russell was in the basement of the Kingdom Hall and there I would find Russell unveiling Ussher and how Ussher is wrong. That way I would no my enemies, the appointed elders who think they are chosen disciples by the faithful slave. My experience was elders pounding their chest with a fist and saying Jehovah has chosen us not you. So anyways. MY work has not ceased no matter how much I wish would, because not a day goes by that the nagging doesn't hound me unveiling new secrets. For example that it was Haran who brought his father's Marduk calendar from Ur to Babel to present to Nimrod, and only then could this calendar of Terah's (2148bc) be from Nahor (fixed by Mayans as 2177bc) and then be shifted first at Babel, and then at Harran Syria to match the 20-day shifted version of the Mayans in Mari Syria who had fled Ur in the Monkey year. See I know my stuff, Jehovah drowns me so much that I even dig up papers I write 20 years ago and forgot I knew. So the answer? It is in Persian Haman who is given a cast of lots to know the day and hour. The cast of lots is telescopes and computers seeking asteroids. The day and hour is announced because who survives it is all based on whether Esther goes into trial like Jesus so that it kills her and completes the bride of Jesus. The reason this must occur is because it was once Jesus who dies or his 12 apostles die, get killed. And so now it is either Esther who dies, or the survivors gathered for Armageddon who die. How so? Because the martial law is the wrong way. Escape must be made before astral impact. Like the Thailand tsunami, the risk to collapsed economy must be made like an unplanned fire drill. I know because at work I once stacked a crate that fell on a fire alarm. No one knew what the alarm was, and no one went anywhere. I realized it was the alarm behind the crate, where I had properly stacked it in the marked floor lines. Fire drills are always faked. They do not work. The time is announced when this drill will happen. Fools. Thus escape must be made before astral impact whether it hits or not, and whether governments let you go or not. The risk is not trusting it to be that hour. BUT this is why that bride must die. Satan confuses where the number currently sets at. He doesn't believe they would stay FAITHFUL. So they bring soldiers against them to prove they'll submit to government. BUT the reality is the same as for Jesus who trusted he would awake in 3 days. That reality means, if God truly knows how to pick them, the real 144,000 not the fakes, then that number will prove complete when he does for them what he did for Jesus, namely give all 144,000 the power to pop in and out, and off and on the earth to show baptized followers that they have not died, the number has been completed, and that date Obama says 40 days after their death slaughter execution is true. Escape now during the 40 days and tell everyone, hey come with us and live. The trash can be sorted out afterward like Moses did after the Red Sea. I wrote all this, not just to wake the bride like John did, not just to run ahead like John did, but also so a great multitude will now rush to their salvation and let those who mock who hate who defy who get arrogant then be the ones who die.

    Come! Come join the millions who flee because the marriage is complete with all in heaven who were chosen.


  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy
    I haven't got a clue what he's ^^ banging on about, but that was a great post by slimboyfat .
  • Ruby456

    prophetic post by slimboyfat.

    once 2034 comes and goes the GB can always say the end will come up to 120 years after 2034.

    perhaps the fight to oust satan from heaven began in 1914 and it was finally accomplished at the start of the second world war which began sept 1 1939 and therefore Jesus' presence began in 1939 - hows that? there is even a sept date for world war 2 to co-incide with and for a great harvest.

    Russell and his crew could be pictured by John the baptist and be modern day forerunners of the vigilant anointed.

    this is how generic, malleable and open to creative interpretation Jesus' prophecy is. prob is as slimboyfat pointed out - do they have anybody on board they could listen to having purged all their Franz like prophets from their ranks. Most R/F people will swallow it because they, when they come to weigh up their options, will realise they have more to lose by leaving than by staying -thanks to the awful disfellowshipping policy.

  • jhine



  • Ruby456

    during the new phase of WW2 start date for Jesus' presence they could make blood transfusions admissable

    make a radical change of child abuse policies and bring them into line with other organisations

    make shunning policies less harsh - in fact do away with disfellowshipping altogether as the present policy could result in a successful lawsuit if an already sick individual could show how they were harmed by it.

    stop baptizing children

    start encouraging people to pursue their education

  • smiddy

    As i said on the other thread , that video is CLASSIC worthy of a post of its own.


  • Unicorn18

    I just left in 2018 so I'm interested to see what you guys are thinking 15 years later.

    I remember researching some of the material that was available on 1975 because it was such an interesting period for the Organization (not the Society anymore lol).

    My grandparents were recently baptized at the time and let's just say he lost some money and accrued debt because they thought 1975 was going to be the end. My family never left however, it was always a reminder for why we don't focus on dates.

    My family were definitely the "loyal" members that were focusing on not picking a date and just accepting that it will come when it comes.

    I also remember that in the late 1970s early 1980s my aunt and uncle were serving at Bethel and there was a massive clean out that happened around then of apostates. According to my parents, my aunt and uncle never had the same zeal as they had when they left.

    Anyway, I'll be reading the rest of the comments and I'm happy to join.

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