Hey...Is anybody on here from NM? I have not seen anyone from the state post? I wonder if NM has computers yet?
New Mexico or Amarillo Circuit
by Sparkplug 16 Replies latest jw friends
Did you know anyone named Topping? Cuz I hear they're all assholes, even the wives
Nope, thought about it for a while and I do not know a Topping... There were a lot of Texans that moved to Santa Fe though.
Big Dog
My sister lives in New Mexico. Been there many times and no I didn't think they had computers there, but I heard running water and indoor plumbing was on its way.
I believe you....surely there has to be someone from NM or at least someone that knows some people I grew up with. I know they are not witnesses...anymore
My first JW wife was from Roswell, back in the 50s. She was a Pardue.
Ken P.
HMM not familiar. I used to live in Deming, T or C, Central, Alb. Santa fe
Hey I live in ABQ, born and raised. We got plumbing last week. We're hoping to get some at engineering school soon...kind of hard to run steam processes without pipes. Electricity is probably still a couple of decades off...maybe they'll get to us after they hook up Iraq.
Froggy check your pm...
Hey there,
I am from New Mexico (the Land of Enchantment). Born and raised in the City of Champions, Artesia, (Go Bulldogs!). My family is very big there in the truth. Still have family there in ARtesia, CArlsband and extended family elsewhere.
When to a lot of Circuits in Carlsbad and a lot of District Conventions in Amarillo or Lubbock, wherever it wasat that year.
I left Artesia for college (USC - Go Trojans!) in 1989 and only been back to visit now and then.
I love New Mexico though. If I win the California Lottery tomorrow I will buy a little ranch there so I can settle in and finally do some writing.