What an odd sort of dream

by Big Tex 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    As a kid I remember reading a Peanuts cartoon where Woodstock is telling Snoopy a dream he had, and Snoopy rolls his eyes and said, "I hate it when people tell me their dreams." So with that in mind ...


    This is what I dreamed:

    It was a very bright and sunny day as I pulled up into our driveway and got out. It was then I noticed that, even though the sun was shining very brightly, there were no shadows anywhere. I could see everything clearly. I held out my arm, and it cast no shadow.

    I looked in our garage and noticed an old man sitting in Nina's car. As I walked up, I saw it was her father, Bill who had killed himself 2 years ago. He got out of the car, and without turning around or acknowledging me went into our house. I followed him and found him standing in our kitchen. He was facing Nina who was doing the dishes. On the counter next to her was a small radio. It was playing "Camera One" by the Josh Joplin Group. It was playing over and over.

    Nina did not notice Bill or I and kept washing the same dish over and over. I came around Bill and noticed he was wearing the same sweater, shirt and pants he wore the last time I saw him alive. Over his eyes was a webbing covering them so that I could not see his eyes. The kitchen, the whole house really, was also very bright with sunlight and again there were no shadows anywhere.

    Hung his clothes on the shower rod
    But he never go undressed and he never made a mess

    "Bill", I said "I'm so glad to see you."

    I hesitated. There was a question I've wanted an answer to for some time but I was embarassed. I hemmed and hawed until I blurted out "You're up there now and I'd really like to know. What does God think of me?"

    He looked at me and smiled broadly. He shrugged his shoulders and in a jolly voice he said, "Don't know. I haven't met him yet. Been too busy."

    On the corner by the street
    He sits in his armchair in the heat
    Sightseers see what they want
    He?s selling star maps to the Sun

    "Doing what?"

    Suddenly his appearance changed and he now wore a suit he bought when we were shopping together once in Toronto. He talked excitedly and with great animation.

    "They're a great group. Just wonderful people. You should meet them, you'd get along very well. I'm the Secretary."

    The trophy wife of Palisades
    Whose yearbook beauty never fades

    (He then told me what all he had done and where he traveled, but I don't remember it now.)

    I swallowed hard and my hands shook. "Bill, is it true? I mean what happened to me as a child."

    Again his clothing changed, and he now wore his favorite cap, and an old shirt and pants, which is how he dressed when he worked repairing instruments. He cocked his head to one side and looked at me with more tenderness, compassion and kindness than I thought possible. The webbing fell from his eyes and I saw his eyes were black, like opals.

    Camera one closes in

    As he looked at me I felt as if he saw everything I had ever done. I don't like the idea of anyone seeing anything I don't want them to see. I've spent my life building walls to protect myself.

    He noticed my discomfort and reached out to squeeze my shoulder. Then he softly said, "You should write a book. You should call it "I Was Wronged for all the Right Reasons".

    It?s funny how life works out
    The odds of faith in the face of doubt

    Then he said, "Doubt, anger ... quit doing that to yourself."

    I also knew there was something else but I was not ready yet. Then he answered one more question.

    Then my children came downstairs. My daughter was holding a boombox as big as her and it was playing some bubble-gum song so loud it drowned out the little radio. She put it up on the counter and they both very excitedly began telling Nina and I about a dream they just had. I turned back to Bill. He just smiled, reached and tapped my shoulder three times. He said, "We'll finish another time."

    As I woke up I heard a small boy with short blonde hair and very blue eyes say, "What an odd sort of dream."

    Dreams are a strange thing. During REM sleep, neurons in the brain fire electric signals throughout the brain creating the images we see in our dreams. But no one knows how or why those particular images are chosen.

    This is just a dream, and I already feel silly posting it. But I will be curious if in the next few months or years if he returns.


  • hillbilly

    TEX... I am sure he's trying to tell you things only you know the answers to. This dream has the makings of the foundation of a stellar book. Write it and they will read it.


  • lonelysheep

    It's good you remember all of it! What does Nina think?

  • Wolfgirl

    That's very powerful. *big hugs*

  • FMZ

    Wow Chris.

    I think that depending on the circumstance and our mental state at the time, sometimes our dreams experience can be elevated or dulled. Sometimes symbology surrounds everything, the clarity isn't there, the events seem so random. And sometimes, our state of mind is so, that our brain doesn't filter everything through our preconceptions and subconsciously sabotage the dream, and it comes out with great clarity.

    This sounds like one of those dreams. You had the dream for a reason. Bill wanted to communicate with you. The bit about "the group" and him being "the secretary" strikes me as interesting, as not many people view spirits in the afterlife as having "occupations", so I doubt that would even come from your subconcsious, but many spirit mediums have been told that they do work in groups to accomplish various things, oftentimes that includes helping us here in this life.

    The book, write it. You have been told you should write it, and I know you have thought about it before. They will help, give you a nudge, it will come very naturally to you mate.

    Just my humble opinion is all mate. Either way, you came out of the dream feeling energized and happy, didn't you? You needed it.


  • cruzanheart

    I think he needs to write a book!

    Chris' dreams (when he can remember them -- some are so intense his mind blocks them immediately) have always been absolutely fascinating, detailed, in color and usually with a soundtrack. We've found a lot of answers in his dreams, and I'm glad Dad is helping him out. He was always available to talk to Chris when he was alive, until the last year or so, and I'm glad he's back -- whether real or symbolic.


  • Satanus

    Very good.


  • wednesday


    that was an incredible dream. My therapist works with me using dream therapy a lot. He uses gestalt method. Basically, u are everyone in the dream. The way u find out what the dream means , etc, is to revisit the dream, role pay each character. Become that person. In this case become Bill. Ask Bill what he is doing in the dream. The theory is U are actually everyone in the dream, the kids, bill, Nina, everyone. If u just ask these characters what they are doing and why they are there, u might be surprised what they say. I have unraveled several dreams like this. I see one thing I can tell u. The "web" covering bills eyes, well those re your eyes, and u are not blind any longer. u know what happened to u. U "see" clearly.


  • jst2laws

    This is giving me the chills,

    So, are you going to write your book? You already have a title.


  • Sunnygal41

    Chris! Wow! You dream in exquisite detail!!!! Carl Jung had a term for those kinds of dreams........."Big Dreams"..........I assume that he meant dreams that are totally in connection with your Inner Wise Person, and at those points, we can see the future and communicate with others who are of the spirit world. This dream is important. Only you will totally get it's message, so, stay open for it.

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