What an odd sort of dream

by Big Tex 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Wild_Thing

    Does anybody remember that odd show called Twin Peaks? Your dream sounded like it came straight out of one of those shows! Just thought I'd share that!

    It sounds like it is full of symbolism and meaning, but I think only you can decide what that is.

    So ... when is your book coming out?

  • Sunnygal41
    The "web" covering bills eyes, well those re your eyes, and u are not blind any longer. u know what happened to u. U "see" clearly.

    Exactly what I thought, too, Wednesday!

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    the world you know is a like a map that has a flashlight behind it... the part of the map which is illuminated is the part of the world and your imagination you witness.... when you sleep that map is still there but the thing illuminating it is no longer this shared realm but your own internal illumination which might arise from random signals or simply from cascading thoughts... but also to some things sneaking in from the outside world being made part of the dream in progress....

    for example... I once dreamed of a huge plate filled with donuts...behind it was a man dress like a chef or baker.

    he was laughing uncontrollably for no apparent reason....

    when I woke up there was a dog barking in the distance...which had the very same rhythm and almost the same sound as the laughing baker.

    our interpretation of what is being activated works quickly and by means of something called fuzzy logic... for example if you see just a tiny part of a stop sign peaking out from a tree ahead of you while driving, you have this knowing of it being a stop sign even though you only see a single fraction of one corner... and it happens almost instantly.

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