And also why do they still wear wedding rings which started as a Hindu rite. The male would cut off his foreskin (ouuuch!!!) and put it on his Wife's finger (nice!)
If the WTBTS are anti pagan - why do they still have Monday, Tuesday etc?
by sting 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
My take on this whole Pagan? issue with JWs is that the WTS wants JWs to avoid just enough stuff to make them stand out like sore thumbs and make everyone around them uncomfortable when they raise a stink about how holidays and birthdays are Pagan?, but they don't go all the way and ban wedding traditions and alter the names of the days of the week and months so they can fly under people's BS detectors and not be immediately recognized as a cult.
Love, Scully
Actually, one JW did try to unpaganize the calendar:
Ill Treatment of Bethel Family.
Shortly after coming to Bethel we were shocked
to witness the spectacle of our brethren
receiving what is designated as a "trimming"
from you. The first, if memory serves me cor-
rect, was a tongue lashing given to C. J. Wood-
worth. Woodworth in a personal letter to you
stated something to the effect that it would be
serving the devil to continue using our present
day calendar. For that he was humiliated, called
a jackass, and given a public lambasting.
At the urging of his friend Clayton Woodworth, he even considered the establishment of a "Theocratic Calendar" which was to begin with the Crucifixion, have months of 29 or 30 days, have new names for all days and months, and have it's New Year in the Spring.
wednesday, here's one that's rather humorous. Also referred to in Apocalypse Delayed (pp. 66-69), this has to do with Clayton Woodworth's "theocratic calendar." I'll quote the entire passage from the Watchtower, to show how typically adamant they initially were that this was another piece of "new light."
w3/1/35 80
THE English word "calendar" means a system of reckoning time by dividing time into days, months and years. The ability of man is very limited; and when man attempts to do anything of importance and, in doing so, ignores Jehovah's Word, he is certain to get into difficulty. Since the time of the rebellion in Eden that old Serpent, also called Satan, Dragon and Devil, has employed all manner of subtle and deceptive methods to divert the attention of man from Almighty God. This is particularly noted with reference to the calendars for the division of time. Naturally men have desired to divide time in such manner that they could keep an accurate record of events. In doing this had men adhered strictly to the Word of Jehovah God and diligently sought to be guided by the Most High, they would have fared far better. The ancient Greeks and Romans made calendars, but in doing so they disregarded the Word of God entirely and employed the wisdom of men, which is foolishness in the sight of God. Satan saw to it that they were turned away from Jehovah.
Many persons of the present day have the idea that the calendar generally in use is of divine origin; but in this they are entirely wrong. The calendar now used was prepared and came into use in this manner: An Italian physician called Aloysius Blius projected a plan for amending the Julian calendar, which was used for some time; and after his plan was made then it was presented to Pope Gregory XIII. Gregory called in the wise men of the Catholic Hierarchy for a consultation about this calendar; and this occurred about the year 1577. In the year 1582 Gregory issued a brief abolishing the Julian calendar, and introduced in its stead the calendar that is now generally in use and which is known as the Gregorian calendar. According to the Word of God the Gregorian calendar is entirely wrong, and this alone is proof that the making of that calendar and its introduction were not by God's direction but were done under the infiuence of Satan, the enemy of Jehovah.
Now, since the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and his enthronement and his gathering together of his faithful followers, the time seems at hand to more clearly understand God's purposes as expressed in his Word, and this includes the manner of measuring time. It seems proper and fitting that we should try to ascertain the correct way of measuring time and give publication thereto.
In its Year Book for 1935 this Society has published a sample calendar, and a detailed explanation of this calendar shall also be published. The space in The Watchtower is hardly sufficient for such publication, because that space is needed for other truths. The Golden Age magazine is one of the publications of the WATCH TOWER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY, and The Golden Age will publish the explanation of the division of time, or the calendar, and The Watch tower readers are requested to give careful consideration to the same. A series of articles covering this matter will appear within a short time in the Golden Age magazine.
Well, this only lasted a couple of months, and Rutherford backed off big time:
w5/1/35 142
TO HAVE a correct system of reckoning time is desirable. It is well known that the calendars heretofore used have been incorrect and unsatisfactory. For this reason The Golden Age published facts concerning a system of reckoning time, obtaining the important data from the Scriptures, and some from astronomy. Seeing there is a danger of giving importance to this and to the exclusion of weightier matters, this note of warning is here sounded. God's people should keep in mind the "pyramid" delusion and the speculations that accompanied the study of chronology, and the pitfalls into which these things led many. Do not fall into a similar trap. It is of far more importance to understand our commission and to perform it than to understand at just what time Adam was created. Be reasonable and moderate. Avoid wild speculation as to at what time and in what manner things future will come to pass. Be sure that you always are guided by the counsel of the Lord's Word. The statements in The Golden Age are not dogmatic, but are worthy of due and careful consideration.
Apparently, in spite of being published in the Golden Age and the Yearbook, and being touted in the Watchtower, this new calendar was quickly discarded as comparable to Russell's pyramidology.
Craig -
The Watchtower Society?s reason for condemning so many activities is that they have pagan origins. As pagans populated the earth for at least 4,000 years, by the Society's reckoning, before Christ came, there is almost nothing that can be done that has not already been done by pagans. Incidentally, they only became pagans when the Roman Empire adopted Christianity. Until then they were just people!
Among other pagan customs accepted by the Society are wedding receptions, wedding cakes, the lighting of candles, white wedding dresses, bridesmaids, wedding rings, ear- rings, honeymoons and so on. Strangely, the throwing of confetti is singled out as pagan and strictly forbidden. The wearing of a beard is heavily frowned upon. Are they aware that shaving is a totally pagan Egyptian and Greek custom, adopted by the Romans, but unheard of among Israelites and the early Christians?
The early Christians disagreed over which festivals and customs they should observe, so Apostle Paul said: ?Therefore let no man judge you in eating and drinking or in respect of a festival or of an observance of the new moon or of a Sabbath.? (Colossians 2:16 - NWT)
Whatever the origin of our various customs, it is how they are viewed today, and the motive behind observing them in the present that is relevant. Folk law, custom and heritage, impinge on every aspect of life, even the language we speak. So how do the Watchtower Society decide on these matters with such inconsistency, and why are such opinions made into law?
Some excellent points there Blondie & Trevor!
Thank you very much it would be laughable if it wasn't so SAD!
fOR THEy to have been pagans for 4,000 years,they would had have to survived the flood!
The flood is another pagan idea. It was introduced into the jewish myths early on, so you don't see it as pagan immediately.
these kind of wacky conclusions leads one to believe that everything is pagan, you better stay in bed all day and night to avoid doing pagan things.
Come on, get real.
The Watchtower isnt free from pagan influence, and no one else is. The trinity is pagan but Jesus being God is not pagan. You can believe Jesus is God without being a trinitarian. Jesus is one Person, one God, not three in one.
I think it is whatever works for them it is ok. It may change tomorrow!
I think it is whatever works for them it is ok. It may change tomorrow!