My wife got dunked, so I am an "unbelieving mate" (UBM). However that name does offend me.
I do believe in God, and I am deeply grateful for Christ's sacrifice. I have deeply fear letting Him down. Furthermore, I believe that Satan is the personality behind all the woes we experience. I have experienced enough pain so that I have no desire to please him. I pray daily for God to make me a lover of truth, and if my heart is keeping me from truth, I ask him to change my heart. If I don't join it is not because I don't love God, or want to be apart of this world. I haven't joined because "right now", I have questions and disagreements with what is being taught.
I tell jw's the above. Then I ask them, "So if I don't join, are you going to think it is because I am a bad or prideful person?"
They can't say, "yes", because it is a stupid thing to say, and they also are afraid to offend you. I keep asking my wife this all the time. I ask people in the congregation this. I keep asking it.
The reason why it is effective is because by constantly assuring me they don't think I am "bad" or "prideful" makes it difficult for them to in fact think that about me.
It is a minor piece of advice, but I think it will help guard us UBM from a common and destructive thought pattern found among the jws in our lives