A very disarming question you can ask jw's as an "unbelieving mate"

by Check_Your_Premises 44 Replies latest jw experiences

  • The Leological One
    The Leological One
    Tell them that you enjoy a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He knows it and you know it. So... do they have anything better to offer you than what you already have.

    Now THAT would also be a great question~!

    Cool thread.

  • Sincere80

    Jesus did not return to earth, Satan was cast down to earth from heaven, and give me some time to look it up and I will explain everything in detail.

  • Check_Your_Premises

    You don't talk like a dub sincere. You sound like whatever someone believes is fine. Every dub I talk to is so sure that they know the truth that they are sure either I will come into the truth or someting is wrong with me if I don't, ie I am prideful, worldly.

    Have you been baptized? None of your jw family, friends, elders care that you are engaged to a member of Satan's organization?

    Sorry. Not to sound accusatory, but you just don't talk like every dub I have met.

    Quick dub check. Why is it ok that jw doctine has changed over the years. Jws claim they are one true religion because they only teach what is in accordance with the scripture. But doesn't their changes mean what they were teaching wasn't scriptural thus negating their "one true religion" claim? The Bible didn't change, only the interpretation from God's channel changed.

    A j-dub will answer this question very predictably.

  • undercover

    Watchtower 1954 6/15 page 374 paragraph 21

    "This sign over which the Jews stumbled was definitely pointed to by Jesus himself as evidence that he would be present among men the second time. "And then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will go to wailing and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory." (Matt. 24:30, NW) Since Daniel links the sign with the giving of the Kingdom it is obviously a sign pointing to the beginning of Christ's presence and his coming into his kingdom. This could not occur until his return, and so, along with other things that were to happen at a later date, Jesus gave to John a revelation of this sign and identified it as marking the beginning of his presence and of his kingdom and power. (Rev. 12:1, 2, 5, 10) All the evidences point to 1914 as the date."

    Watchtower 1961 9/1 page 524 paragraph 10

    "As part of the composite sign earlier referred to, Jesus said: "And then they will see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory." This would be in fulfilment of the vision given to the prophet Daniel, where he saw coming "with the clouds of the heavens" a "son of man," who is given "rulership and dignity and kingdom" by Jehovah, the enthroned "Ancient of Days." As has often been shown from the Scriptures in these columns, this was fulfilled A.D. 1914, at the expiration of the "appointed times of the nations," when Christ began to rule as king.

    Watchtower 1984 9/15 pages 13-14 paragraphs 15 & 16

    "Jesus Christ referred to that time period when he gave a prophecy on his invisible spirit "presence" and "the conclusion of the system of things" and said: "The sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in lamentation, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he will send forth his angels with a great trumpet sound, and they will gather his chosen ones together from the four winds, from one extremity of the heavens to their other extremity." (Matthew 24:3, 30, 31) When did that "presence" of Jesus Christ begin?
    Jesus' "presence" started at the termination of the "seven times" of the Gentiles in the fall of 1914. (Daniel 4:23-36) At that time the glorified Jesus Christ turned his attention to the exercise of his power toward the war-stricken earth."

  • kls

    CYP you is getting so good at this ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,these posts are so much fun

  • 95stormfront
    I do not expect her to change hers for me, but let me say this, honest prayer and continuing to study from the bible then I am positive that we will recieve the answer that we search for,

    A.k.a. I intend to wear her down over the years by inundateing her with WT litter-ature.

  • undercover

    Hope ya'll didn't scare him away. I was looking forward to his answers on the 1914 thing.

  • Check_Your_Premises
    my current fiance is an unbelieving mate and I am willing to make any sacrifice for her

    You wanna bet? If you are married to your wife, you have entered a binding agreement (you will suffer sanctions if you break the agreement) with her. As a baptized jw you are also in a binding agreement (you will be disfellowshipped and shunned if you break your agreement) with another group of people

    So if it comes down to pleasing your wife or pleasing the org who is going to win. She is just an unbelieving mate. They are (you believe) Gods organization. To oppose God's organization is to oppose God! She will always be second fiddle.

    Your fiance should tread very carefully. Especially if she wants her children to be able to think for themselves free from mind control methods that would make any chi-com commander of a pow camp proud.

  • Check_Your_Premises

    Ok I will lay off. As a UBM, this is the only place I can vent!

  • undercover

    Actually I kinda hi-jacked the thread...so vent away.

    I was hoping to help this guy think for himself a little before he disappeared. Maybe he'll come back and lurk.

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