Hi everyone! I've been reading this forum for a few years now and it is only now that I come to you all for some helpful advice and support.
I'll try not to get too detailed w/ my story, cause I can tend to ramble (hence the non-posting a lot, cause I usually check the forum at work and I'd be on here all the time) . . . but here it is.
I've been DA'd for about 6 years now. That's going great and my life is happy - now out of the borg. I have some family still in the borg, including my parents and a sister. Things weren't going well for my parents for a while. . . but it wasn't until about 6 months ago did we find out the real story. My father had been living 2 lives for the last 7 or 8 years or so. This, overlapping from when I still lived with them and was defnitely IN the religion myself.
My father was disfellowshipped a few months back for having admitted to commiting adultery. My mom has taken it pretty hard, but I give her credit for being somewhat strong about it. Nevertheless, my mom still not trusting of my dad found some "notes" -- outlining further sexual indescresions; with dates, names, ratings and some numbers next to it. Again, long story short.. I won't get into ALL of the details. . . it's still very personal and disturbing for me -- but does anyone know of ANY sort of underground society or group that would possibly shed some light on what these codes could be?
My mom, again, still in the religion, showed me this evidence of what she found of his (by the way, these notes w/ his sexual experiences, etc were hidden in his KH briefcase. nice!) and seriously, I almost vomited. I can't imagine that the father who raised us, the perfect elder in the congo for 15 years, got to this point. But, I digress. I'm not here to make him change; most certainly not to ask him to go back to the borg... I just don't know who he is anymore, really. Nevertheless what I worry about it is if there could be any harm in these secret dealings. Someone else studying pscyhology or something (my mom said) looked at these 'notes' and said that she should be glad to have my dad out of the house, as these were 'secret codes' or something and she and my sister could be in danger. Has anyone heard of anything like that?
Anyway, if you guys could shed some light, that'd be helpful.