New OM book: Trusting the faithful slave is full of loaded language

by truthseeker 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    Reading this chapter made me feel quite ill. Note the heavily loaded language on "material contributions".

    I'm only going to include the comments that are relevant, not the whole paragraph.

    pg 18 - Organized to do Jehovah's Will


    There are many reasons to have complete trust in the slave class. First and foremost, Jesus has appointed them

    over all his precious "belongings." This is a clear indication that he has complete trust in them.

    This first statement concerns me. There is no indication that Jesus has selected the GB over all his belongings. Where's the

    evidence? How can you write this as a statement and expect people to believe it? With JW's already influenced by mind

    control techniques, such a statement impresses upon them what they already know. Any non-witness would ask questions, any

    dub just accepts the answers.

    pg 19

    Through much hardship and experience, the slave class has demonstrated that the spirit of God is with it. Abundant blessings

    have been poured out upon the visible part of Jehovah's orgnization today, and therefore, we wholeheartedly give it our full support

    and trust.

    Analyzing this paragrah, we see three keywords. Wholeheartedly, support, trust

    With these words in mind, it is clear that the governing body expects that witnesses have full confidence and unwavering trust in the

    organization. There is no room for doubt.

    pg 20


    Our trust in "the faithful slave" is also manifest when we support the organization with our material contributions. When we see that

    our brothers are in need materially, we respond without delay.

    Three more keywords here: Trust, manifest, material contributions

    Note the implied expectation the Governing Body has of witnesses.

    If you trust them, you will want to manifest this trust by giving your material contributions.

    There are several talks given every year on "donating our valuable things."

    Donations have been down in recent years, according to inside reports. After all, with their organizational image severly tarnished

    who would want to support the faithful slave with their material contributions? The Governing Body are basically stating here

    that "if you trust us, you will give us money."

    pg 20

    Another way to show that we trust the slave class today is to support its decisions. Even though we maynot fully understand the

    reasoning behind certain decisions, we know that upholding them will be for our lasting good. On occasion important issues have

    been clarified, and we have wholeheartedly supported these decisions. As a result, Jehovah blesses us for our obedience to his

    Word and to slave class. We thus show our subjection to the Master, Jesus Christ.

    There are many phrases and keywords here, which will affect the minds of true blue JW's. Let's rewrite what their trying to say using

    the highlighted keywords.

    support its decisions - Another way to show that we trust the slave class

    fully understand - reasoning behind certain decisions

    lasting good - upholding [decisions]

    clarified - important issues

    wholeheartedly supported - these decisions

    blesses us for our obedience - Jehovah

    subjection - to the Master, Jesus Christ

    The intent of thought here is obvious - Witnesses do not fully understand the reasoning behind certain decisions, but they must always support the decisions of the governing body. The key phrase lasting good is an implied threat that occurs when one does not wholeheartedly support the decisions made by the organization. The Society have already clarified issues you may have with its decisions. Loaded language is used by invoking the name Jehovah and another threat is implied using the phrase blesses us for our obedience. Of course, what is this statement without Jesus Christ, so the Governing Body reminds you that not only are you being blessed by Jehovah, you are also showing your subjection to the Master, Jesus Christ.

    As if the above paragraph wasn't reason enough to fully trust "the faithful and discreet slave", the following paragraph suggests a desparte plea on behalf of the governing body...

    pg 21

    Yes, we have every reason to trust "the faithful and discreet slave" fully. Satan, the god of this system of things, is making an all-out

    effort to disgrace Jehovah's name and organization. Do not fall prey to Satan's wicked tactics. He knows that only a short period of

    time remains before his abyssing, and he is trying to take down with him as many of Jehovah's people as possible. However, as

    Satan intensifies his efforts, may we draw ever closer to Jehovah by manifesting complete trust in the channel He is using to direct

    His people today.

    Keywords and phrases

    every reason - to trust the "faithful and discreet slave" (You have every reason, although none is given)

    fully - a familiar buzzword often used by the Society

    Satan - the master deceiver. A mind control tactic often used by the Society to dovert attention from the real issues of blood, shunning, and child abuse.

    disgrace Jehovah's name and organization - I really think the Society has invented a god here.

    fall prey to Satan's wicked tactics - divert attention to Satan (or the Internet) as exposing Jehovah's Witnesses

    draw ever closer to Jehovah - sounds like the name of the book study book

    manifesting complete trust in the channel He is using - because it's Jehovah's channel, you must manifest complete trust in them.

    This chapter in the new Organized to do Jehovah's Will book is ful lof loaded language and implied threats toward those who

    do not give their unwavering, idolatorous devotion to the image of the faithful slave. It's clear, they are worried about the media

    exposure given to their hidden practices and deception, and this chapter is evident of a last ditch attempt to prevent

    the Society-uneducated witnesses from learning the truth. They divert attention away from real issues - real things that matter

    and blame everything on Satan.

  • Dragonlady76

    Very interesting observations Truthseeker.

    disgrace Jehovah's name and organization - I really think the Society has invented a god here.

    Yes, that line means more to a JW than anything else, it's used liberally by all JW's in hopes of subduing independent thinking. It's quite effective in striking fear into the heart of any loyal dub.


  • Elsewhere

    First of all, the book never actually identifies who the FDS is. Is it the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society Inc., The Christian Congregation of Jehovahs Witnesses, the Governing Body, or maybe the "Annointed" members? As the bible says: "Who really is the FDS?". Who has this authority to create and destroy "truth"?

    Also, this book not offer one shred of evidence to support their conclution that this mystery body of people (it is composed of people, right?) are the FDS.

  • kls

    All i can do is shake my head in total disguist

  • Golf

    Maybe Blondie will come out with Charles T. Russell's quote about this organization NOT having to be financed by men, something to that effect.

    The Org. is speaking in tongues again.


  • iiz2cool
    Matt 24: 45 ?Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? 46 Happy is that slave if his master on arriving finds him doing so. 47 Truly I say to YOU , He will appoint him over all his belongings.

    First of all, I don't believe this is prophetic. But even if it were, it's in the form of a question. It does not positively identify the Watchtower or anyone else, nor does it guarantee that this "food" will be dispensed by anyone at any time. Nor does it say what this "food" is.

    The only thing the Watchtower has dispensed is lies at the most inopportune times.


  • Neo

    Compare the new Organized book (od) with the Bible.

    Chapter 3 title: Trusting the Faithful and Discreet Slave

    Psalm 146:3: Do not put YOUR trust in nobles, nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs.

  • AlmostAtheist
    Even though we maynot fully understand

    Gina gets this crap from her mom all the time. "You're confused", "you don't understand". How about "disagree with"? That's not allowed. You can fail to understand the "reasoning", but you can't disagree with it.


  • avishai

    More drivel from the WTS. More chains for the rank and file

  • Fleur

    Well, I'll tell you, the powerful control exerted here is already effecting a lot of the rank and file.

    At last count, I had three living members of my family who spoke to me on on a regular basis. Two of those are 'weak' jw's, one inactive for years, one unbaptized, and one baptized and active.

    The baptized, active member, my mother, is now not going to associate with me for fear she may be disfellowshipped without a hearing over it.

    I am the only one of her children who does practical care for her like errands, etc because she is ill and very frail. Now this.

    I only hope that someone in the congregation is prepared to step up and do what I have been doing. I told my dad that all she has to do is call and say she needs something and I'll be there. But for now, it's turning out just as I knew it would...they will eventually take every single member of my family away from me.

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