Up until this evening I had thought Teresa Schiavo was in an unconcious state, lying on a bed with just a machine keeping her alive. How wrong was I? I saw her smiling and showing awareness of her surroundings. The video caused outrage in me. How can they kill a person by starving her to death and think its ok?
Well first of all, to justify her death they have to say she is unconscious and feels no pain, even though she smiles and shows emotion, she is unconsious and has no feelings? What machine did they use to measure her conciousness? Where is conciousness seated? What exactly are they measuring when they "measure" consience? Where is the technology that weighs our consciousness? How do they measure her feelings? Yet it is on the very grounds of "Unconsciousness" that they are pulling the plug!
2nd, she is "Vegetative", this terminology is used to seperate her from us humans, only by accepting this will people think its ok to kill her. She is a vegetable, she is not a person! Is this not brainwashing?
3, how do you define someone who is a person? Am I only a person if I act like you do and have as much life in me as you do? "I am someones son, father, brother, uncle" all these things make me a person too dont they? My relationships define who I am as a person, not just my ability to jump around. As a person, (not a vegetable) Schiavo should be given all the treatment she needs or at least be given to the people she has relationships with (her mother etc) shouldnt she?
4, Schavio is not "brain dead" peoples definitions of braindead are abstract anyway, even proffesionals are in disagreement. They are even in disagreement on which part of the brain is associated with being cognitive, some suggest all of the brain is.
5, For arguments sake lets say some suffering from PVS may not experience pain, does this mean that all dont? Signs of "grouping/stereotyping" are ok in this instance?
Sorry if all this has been discussed....
This case is outragous, murdering this woman is morally wrong, unethical and a sign of worse things to come.
Admittingly we dont know how to communicate with people in the PVS but that doesnt mean they should die.