The brainwashing around the "Schiavo" case...

by Brummie 138 Replies latest jw friends

  • coffee_black

    What media outlet we listen to shapes opinions to an unbelievable level. I was with a group of friends yesterday and this subject came up. They were completely unaware of many of the facts of this case because the news outlet they listen to didn't cover those facts. That didn't stop them from having strong opinions though. I listen to every outlet I have access to, and read several newspapers. I'm on the road a lot for business, and listen to news throughout the day, and I change channels often.

    Please recognize that what you listen to/watch/read shapes your opinions. They all have an agenda and slant, and it influences what they cover and how they cover it. That is true for every TV channel, Newspaper and Radio Station. Listen to more than one side of the issue! I listen to as much as is possible....and I see the biases clearly. This is not all black or white! It is an excrutiating situation for everyone involved, and for those of us who must helplessly stand by and watch.


  • bisous

    Yiz: youz funny....

    NL2: Over 20 courts have reviewed the evidence .... Unless you are operating extremely undercover, I doubt you've been privy to all *or any* of those activities. I believe all appropriately involved parties have had their day(s) in court. All judgements have been in favor of Mr. Schiavo. As I have said on previous threads, I don't buy the fact that they are all conspiring against Ms. Schiavo. The laws of our land have been upheld. Arguing snippets of evidence and the late breaking accusations by all the wackos that have recently surfaced won't change anything. Nor will all of your cut and pastes.

    Edited to add:

    Don't know why I bother, but here's a link to a USAToday Report on Schiavo's bulimia. Careful, Yiz I guess it is from one of those liberal rags... have fun ripping it to shreds fellas

  • coffee_black


    The law is not infallible, and it is because of cases like this that changes occur in law. I wouldn't say that USA is a "liberal rag", but I would also not call them unbiased by any streach of the imagination. I would also say that you could hardly call that article an in depth discussion of the subject. If you are to be open minded, you cannot just site publications you like and discount those you don't. That is intellectual dishonesty...and it was also the training we had as dubs...(discount all other sources of info but the watchtower.) Hopefully, we have grown beyond that.

    I think some have traded following of the watchtower for following the views of a political party, and accepting the talking points and agenda of said party. Maybe it's something in the human psyche that seeks to align oneself with such a group. Personally, I like to learn as much as possible about any given subject before even expressing my opinion. I think an opinion that is based on group think isn't worth much. Nor is an opinion based on false or incomplete info worth much. I fought long and hard for my right tor independent thinking, and my opinions are my own....finally.


  • NewLight2

    "Over 20 courts have reviewed the evidence" - -bisous

    There are still many unanswered questions remaining in this case that have not been addressed within the court system. The court has denied admission of potential evidence into this case on several occasions, leaving the final verdict less than air-tight. Even on 'appeal' this potential evidence was not allowed to be presented to the court.

    One example of the above is a March 1991 bone scan which shows head trauma and bone injuries. Why was this bone scan never entered into the official court records?

    In this post I have already addressed the bone scan issue. In that same post I also asked:

    Could someone provide an article that states that the court does have this proof of evidence that Terri was indeed diagnosed/treated for bulimia and anorexia PRIOR to her heart stopping on that fateful day?

    The article you posted says:

    "But the doctor did not take a complete medical history that might have revealed an eating disorder."

    So my question remains unanswered.

    Here is yet another quote from your referenced article which seems to agree with the WND article that I posted earlier in this thread:

    "Like almost every element in the case, whether Schiavo really was bulimic is in dispute. Her father, Robert Schindler, said he does not believe his daughter had an eating disorder and thinks her husband had something to do with her collapse. Michael Schiavo has denied hurting his wife."

    Here is another interesting quote:

    "During the malpractice case, at least one of Schiavo's friends testified they knew she was bulimic because after meals out, she always immediately excused herself to go to the bathroom. Her husband also knew she had peculiar eating patterns but did not realize they were dangerous, Fox said."

    Did this friend follow Terri into the bathroom every time to verify that Terri was indeed purging herself or was Terri just doing what one usually goes there to do? After-all Terri was consuming a high amount of liquid during the day. Without actually reading the court transcript one will not really know just what this friend really said in court.

    Another quote:

    "Medical records from the hospital where Schiavo was treated after her collapse note that "she apparently has been trying to keep her weight down with dieting by herself, drinking liquids most of the time during the day and drinking about 10-15 glasses of iced tea." "

    That statement alone does NOT prove that Terri had an eating disorder. On face value, it states that Terri was dieting and trying to keep her weight down. Many people that do not have eating disorders have done the same thing for short periods at a time, myself included. (And before you ask - no, I do not purge after eating a meal - never have, never will.)

    In my opinion, it has been the courts, not the doctors, that have diagnosed Terri as having had bulimia by using third party doctors to express their opinions. These court doctors were NOT in a position to diagnose the disorder in Terri because they had never been able to do a personal examination of her prior to her collapse. Thus your article actually is nothing but expressed opinions which provide little proof that she was indeed bulimic prior to her collapse.

    Doing unbiased research means that one must consider statements that are presented as fact on their own merit as to whether or not these statements are true or false. One cannot just dismiss facts just because they are written in a biased publication.


  • bisous


    The article I posted wasn't intended to represent exhaustive research. Frankly, I don't see any other posters on this topic presenting articles or links from EVERY source available, to the contrary they post that which represents the view they espouse. This is exactly what I did. It is not my desire nor responsibility to present evidence disputing what the courts have already found as sound, credible, and admissible evidence. As far as accusing me of intellectual dishonesty -- that displays the arrogance of attitude that you attempt to accuse me of -- watchtowerism at its finest. Outside of this one topic, I've never had the dubious honor of discussing any subject with you. Seems you have fallen victim to your own claim:

    Personally, I like to learn as much as possible about any given subject before even expressing my opinion.

    It takes a lot of balls to come off with statements you have associated with me or my opinion. But then, I guess when one considers themselves intellectually superior, it doesn't take much to form an opinion ... or present it as fact.

  • coffee_black

    Wow, Bisous,

    I wasn't accusing you of arrogance at all. If it came across that way, I am sorry. I don't espouse a particular point of view. Frankly, the more info I hear about this whole situation the more conflicted I am. It is an emotional issue, not just a legal one. We are not just dealing with legalities and technicalities, we are dealing with a human life, . I see so much anger on both sides... and the sad part about it is that the media (who are businesses after all) are milking it for all it's worth. None of us know all the facts no matter how much we listen to. We know only what they choose to tell us, and they filter it through their own world view. They make money by polarizing us.

    My heart aches for Terry and her loved ones.


  • 144001
    what a ridiculous load of crap you are dishing up for all to admire -- Bison


    While you're admiring it, don't forget to put some A-1 steak sauce on it and feast quickly before the flies preempt your dinner.

    Let's see, what else? the accusation that Terri is suffering like a dog or other sub-human species .... being painfully starved by the HOSPICE where she is staying.... hmmmmm.....anyone familiar with hospice care? whose purpose is to help people die painlessly? unh hunh?? -- Bison

    Apparently, Bison believes that being starved and dehydrated to death is somehow painless merely because one's demise occurs in a hospice setting. I bet she wrote this while chowing on Krispy Kremes and swagging a vanilla latte. Life is good, isn't it?

    I pity the parents of Ms. Schiavo who are being used as pawns by the many right-to-life organizations and politicos to promote their personal agendas. It is too bad they aren't standing by their daughter's wishes .... and her husband whom they testified under oath to have great admiration and respect for ..... PRIOR to being left out of the monetary settlement. -- Bison

    If only all of us could enjoy the "pity" of a person who labels parents who fight with every resource they have to keep their child alive as greedy. Bison, you are indeed a caring mammal.

    God I am sick of the tripe being tossed around regarding this case. -- Bison

    Why don't you try feasting on the colon instead?

    If I called 144... *you get the drift* a pile of crap...well that might be, even if it were my opinion. -- Bison
    As far as accusing me of intellectual dishonesty -- that displays the arrogance of attitude that you attempt to accuse me of -- watchtowerism at its finest.

    Nice to make your acquaintance, Bison! By the way, you referring to others' conduct as "watchtowerism" is a fine example of the pot calling the kettle black.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    What's really sick is that she is treated *less* than an animal or the most heinous murderer on Death Row. She is starved and dehydrated to death, instead of being given the humane treatment of drugs that could at least ease her pain, or put her out of her misery quickly.

    I fully agree with euthanasia, but I stop just short if there is no Testimony or Living Will. I can see, if when I watch the videos at that she responds to her Mother's visit at one point by expressing surprised delight. I am very sorry that Mr. Schiavo feels the need to carry this selfish desire for revenge and/or pride against her parents so far that he destroys a life in the process. Her parents have offered to take care of her, and I think he should honor that request, divorce her, and give her life back to the ones that gave it to her in the first place. He stands to lose nothing. It's just a matter of stubborness and pride.


  • coffee_black

    She is actually receiving morphine for any possible pain...which tells me they can not guarantee that she isn't feeling anything. What bothers me is that Michael Sciavo will not allow a Catholic funeral for his devout Catholic wife, and that he is insisting on cremation. It's things like this that make me question his intent to do what Terry wanted.


  • BrendaCloutier

    ((( Brummie ))) you sweet puss cyat.

    I feel for Terri Schaivo mostly. Death or not, there is no dignity in the media circus surrounding her. I wholeheartedly agree with our courts: it's none of their business, as this is truly a medical decision.

    She has not been denied medical attention, but her husband went as far as to take her to California for cutting edge neurological treatments, which did nothing for her. He, the husband, is not the bad man his in-laws make him out to be. She is in this condition, not from spousal abuse, but because she was bulemic.... starving her own self to the point of serious medical problems. All of the medical mal practice award has gone to her care. He has made nothing on her.

    With what I have read and heard, I happen to agree with letting her die. However, I think each case is as unique as that person, and should and will have unique medical treatment.

    Her case is very similar to previous "Death with Dignity" icons

    Karen Ann Quinlan

    Nancy Cruzan

    There are many others who have gone quietly without the Media Circus surrounding the family's decision.

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