I?ve been researching the references to a great crowd at Revelation 7 and 19. It seems to me that there is little doubt that the vision places them in heaven. Naos, enopion, and the reference to heaven in chapter 19 seem pretty conclusive as to their heavenly position to me. My problem is that, when I read Revelation 21:1-4 it seems to me that this is speaking about the same group as the 'a great crowd' at chapter 7 and 19. At 7:15 it says God will spread his tent over this group. 21:3 says the tent of God is with mankind.
The point that witnesses make about this is that since it mentions Gods tent being with ?mankind? this would exclude them from heaven since mankind do not live in heaven. It says that they will be his people, people don?t live in heaven. The final argument; that since tears, death, and sorry have never been in heaven, this can?t be speaking of a heavenly group. That last argument is easy to refute because, they did have tears and sorrow and death while on earth so God will remove that when they get to heaven.
My problem is that the tent being with mankind and them being his people indicates something earthly. Anyone have an idea on how to reconcile the obvious heavenly hope of chapter 7 and 19 with the indication of an earthly hope at chapter 21?