In a sense it's heartening to see so many other people in the same boat as I am.
I have many questions though after reading the other threads on this site.
My boyfriend's former girlfriends were Catholics like me as well. His dad is an elder and he hasn't been baptized yet. We have had sex. According to him I was his first. in the same way that he was mine. Being raised Catholic I was taught that virginity was something you gave to your husband. Apparently, I failed in that (in a way). We're both in our late 20's so I guess that means we should be able to handle this better but somehow, it doesn't help.
It hurts that he hasn't introduced me to his family although they know about us (except the sex part of course). I've talked to his mom. And we've had this on again-off again relationship. It's like he keeps swinging between me and this girl he used to date before me. Frankly, its hard.
I was wondering why is it essential-- I mean, the whole have you had sexual relations and whether he/she is baptized.
I hope someone can help figure out what to do.
I truly love this guy.