The elders never left me alone with their "hints" that I should be getting to more meetings, going out in service, writing letters or doing telephone witnessing. They never believed I was really sick or depressed. The cure for every ill was DO MORE, GET TO MORE MEETINGS, GO OUT IN SERVICE, PRAY MORE, MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE!
When I chose not to go to meetings anymore, I tired not only of these type of "hints" from my wife, but also the elders who used to drop by seemingly out of the blue, I susp0ect at her urging.
As of now, I just "hint" right back at them with I like my life the way it is; no, there's nothing they can do to help me get back to meetings; no, I'm not interested in their frienship if it's contingent of going to meetings; and I know where to find them if I need any spiritual guidance.