i remember mine...it was in the days when all pupils gathered daily for a service to start the day even though it was not a religious school...anyway my sister had started the same school the previous year and my parents had informed the school that she would not be attending the daily service..not a problem..except for some reason they assumed that because i was the same surname the school would make the connection that i wasnt to go into service...but they didnt and so i found myself right at the front of the hall on my first day not even 5 years old in my new blazer and short trousers with all the other pupils behind me knowing i shouldnt be there..so i started crying..and first my teacher came to see what was wrong but quickly got frustrated because i couldnt explain myself..so she smacked me for crying and kept smacking me to get me to stop crying and then got the headmistress to smack me to get me to stop crying until eventually time was up and they had to cancel the service.....result...still loved school though...tijkmo
who remembers their first day at school
by tijkmo 21 Replies latest jw experiences
i don't remember... but my parents have always told me i felt at ease immediatly... and i can believe that, i've always liked school, and i want to be a primary teacher, so...!!!
Don't remember the very first day....but I know the peripherals. I skipped kindergarten, went right into the first grade at Dogan Elementary in the Fifth Ward of Houston Texas. My teacher's name was Miss Warrenburg.
Surprised I can remember this as it was around 34 or 35 years ago.
I was happy to go to school. My mom dropped me off in class. I remember one kid that was dropped off by his mom, she no sooner left the room and the kid was walking behind me all I could here was "splat", He had thrown up all over the floor.
franklin J
yes, I remember vividly the total despair and feeling that I just did not belong.
It especially became apparent when they saluted the flag and I did not. Again for birthdays and holiday parties when I had to leave the room.
The teachers were all very supportive about it. In hindsite; I think they took cautions to be extra careful with me ; knowing full well what being the "odd kid" was going to do to my psyche. Not to mention the ridicule to be endured.
A child never forgets the injustices seared upon their little minds. I am no exception.
As a parent now; I would never think of singling my kids out to be different.
Yes I do. The teacher hated Jehovahs Witnesses. My mother told her the standard rules about no flag, no holidays, and so on. Needless to say that teacher took whatever hatred she had out on me. I remember her grabbing my pigtails and shaking my head back and forth. She would put her face close to mine and say things about my parents and religion.
Actually, I grew up in a very understanding school system (partly because their were so many JWs in Orange County, NY...wonder why...LOL) so my first day was good. I only had to deal with the flag issue but that was no big deal...I do remember saying "I HAVE TO GO AGAIN?!" when my mom told me that it wasn't just a one day thing.
hey datsdethspicable....that was dethspicable (cant even say it properly now) at least mine was a misunderstanding and not an eveyday event...and apart from the usual teenage name calling i didnt really have a hard time in school..(prob cos i was gorgeous..lol..well i was funny to compensate)...
my little neice has just started school and at the end of last year she asked me....'uncle ian do you do christmas'....i said 'no'...she said 'im the only one in the class that doesnt do christmas'...i said 'i know great isnt it' to which she appeared to agree.....later on i was telling her mum about our conversation and when i came to the bit about saying 'i know great isnt it to which she said yeah' my 5yr old neice (who i thought was sleeping on the couch) sat up and said..' i didnt say it was great!!!!'