Does anyone know someone DF'd for Apostasy that ended up going back?

by confusedjw 16 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • confusedjw

    I've only heard of one and was wondering......

  • jeanniebeanz

    not me...

  • catchthis

    I'm sure there are a few out there. Only for not taking their meds......

    How about --- Someone who was df'd for loose conduct, found out the truth about the truth while df'd and now is reinstated again for family reasons, but still shares their opinions about the WTS privately? I think this person will not last that long. I give them 5 years at the most.

  • cyberguy

    When I was an elder (some years ago), our CO mentioned that in another circuit, a married couple were reinstated after a long review. He said that those DF'd on on apostasy, had to wait longer than those convicted on most other "sins!" Go figure!

  • confusedjw

    There is a sister in my wife's old congregation, there is a sister who in the late 70's who "learned something" and was calling people. Another brother who she talked with also started doing that. They were both DF'd and she came back several years later as her ENTIRE extended family is in. Of course with the timing it has to be the 607 thing.

    I would like to have a chat with her to see how she copes.

  • ohiocowboy

    Usually the ones that I have noticed that have been Df'd for apostacy are usually the ones who do not return as they are the ones who actually found the real "Truth" about the truth, and no longer feel ensnared by false teachings.

    Some of the ones who are Df'd for other reasons such as fornication, etc. can still believe that it is the truth, and possibly go back.

    Actually, the couple that brought us into the "Truth" became apostate, and I did notice how they seemed to have a certain air of peace about them.

    Freedom is a wonderful thing, many people do not want to give that freedom up for anything...

  • bikerchic

    Yeah, my husband was DF'd for Apostacy and then reinstated and then DF'd for it again years later.

  • googlemagoogle

    i met someone in a german "bible forum" who was dfed for apostasy, then went back, then was dfed again for apostasy... lol. he's still very into jwism though, uses mostly the nwt and much of jw theology.

  • BluesBrother

    One chap i knew well had been d/f'd for 'apostasy' and was now in association again having been re instated . However his apostasy was a action rather than a belief.. The story goes that he had been a zealous pioneer, but lost it and faded . He met and courted a worldy woman, they had a big church wedding, at her instigation and he did it for her. The congo d/f'd him . But....wouldn't you know, that she later started to study. She came into the 'truth'

    Now our chap finds himself on the outside of his wifes new life. So he does the repentence bit and is reinstated.. Funnny thing is that he never took any real part in the cong, just showed up with wife and daughter and kept lines of communication open ...

    Looking back now I can see exactly why he got reinstated and what he was doing....

    I do not think that a real conscience led apostate, with knowlege of the Society's doctrinal errors and wrongdoings would ever be able to take up the beliefs again ..once your eyes are opened , it is too late

  • Oroborus21

    I don't know of any cases personally but I would speculate that there is "apostasy" and then there is "apostasy".

    In other words, the answer probably depends on the degree to which one is "apostate".

    Some have been disfellowshipped on the grounds of apostasy just for disagreeing with or speaking out against particular elders or expressing doubts about the Society or JW beliefs and sharing these with a few others. Some of these cases would objectively be considered unfair disfellowshippings and if reviewed sometime later, perhaps with some new elders in play, the person might easily be reinstated.

    Others are a different story. I know he would never want to (and no doubt he would take it as a complement) but "ain't no way Randy Waters is ever gonna be let back in" if you understand my meaning.


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