Pet Care, I need your assistance...

by jeanniebeanz 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • jeanniebeanz

    Well, my cat Johnny who is 17 years old had gone from 16 lbs to under 10 in a short time, and we finally know why. According to the latest blood work, he has a hyper thyroid. The Vet has told us there are only three options; pills (cat cannot swallow pills, never has been able to), surgery in which they would bombard the thyroid with enough radiation to kill it (very risky for a cat this age), and a medicated gel which we would have to rub in his ear each day. I'm bummed.

    At this point, I am wrestling with a recalcitrant, highly offended cat each morning and "glooping" his ear. After sustaining numerous deep scratches, I'm wondering if any of you have heard of any other treatment for this type of illness.



  • Valis
    Valis there any way you could take the pills and gind them up...slip him a cat mickey?

  • AuntieJane

    Oh, I'm sorry for you. We have an old Mama cat who is 17 also and isn't doing very well, is deaf and has signs of dimentia, wanders around crying a lot. Anyway...I vote for crushing the pills and putting them in some really good soft food that she might like...or dissolve in a little bit of milk, if she likes that. Anything that she'll really lap up, crush them fine and slip in her dish.

  • hopelesslystained

    hi jeannie, we do not have cats but dogs, rottwielers to be exact. one of our oler boys needed thyroid help. we gave it to him in a pill mixed with food and it really worked. pills are very inexpensive, just mix it in with a favorite dinner. i am sure he deserves the extra treat and attention at this time. just give him lots of love when eating his meds. ha! that's the same as the already suggested "cat mickey"!!!

  • Satanus

    I don't know if your cat is like mine. Mine likes it when someone stands beside her as she eats. I don't usually do that, but you could do that until he has eaten the food w the pill in it.


  • AuntieJane

    Jeannie, if you go the pill route, be sure to just give him a little bit of the food w. the crushed pill so he doesn't eat around it.

  • jeanniebeanz

    Sounds like the cat mickey has the number one vote. I don't know if it'll work, but I've never stood by him when he eats and that may help. I'll call the vet tomorrow and ask about the pills.

    Thanks everyone.


  • bikerchic

    Jeannie I had a cat who refused to take pills by me until I had the Vet show me how to give them to him. It sounds gross but you have to put the pill way back on the back of his tongue and press down while shoving the pill so the cat involuntarily swallows and voilĂ  the pill is down.

    It helps if after you give him a special treat so he can depend on the treat after the pill, he'll almost start looking forward to getting gagged, almost!

  • jeanniebeanz

    Thanks Biker-Chic! I've seen the vet get one down him, but he is so frail that I'm afraid to try. Poor old guy. We may not have him for long.


  • Billygoat
    Jeannie I had a cat who refused to take pills by me until I had the Vet show me how to give them to him. It sounds gross but you have to put the pill way back on the back of his tongue and press down while shoving the pill so the cat involuntarily swallows and voilĂ  the pill is down.

    Our little boy kitty had a urinary tract infection last month. Our doctor told us to do the above. It mortified me that we'd do that to our baby and make him distrust us. Yeah, it works, but grinding up the pill and mixing it with tuna was much more pleasant for both of us. Why do docs always make thing so difficult???


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