What was the most INTENSE thing a householder did to you while in Service

by GetBusyLiving 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • purplesofa

    Actually, some of the most intense times in service is when the house reeks............when you walk in a try to stifle a cough........then a gag........and are sure you will puke before you get fresh air.

    I cannot believe how some human beings live out in the rurals of Arkansas........actual dirt floors....living with bugs and the smell of urine........my stomach is turning just with the thought.

    Your clothes and hair feel saturated with the smell for the rest of the day.

  • ScoobySnax

    LOL Brooke <<<<< good one!

  • Forscher

    Twice I stared down the barrel of a gun; and on another occaision had one threaten to pull one out. On one of the occasions first mentioned, as my partner and I calmly walked off (I always did that, I never showed panic), the man fired the shotgun into the air when we were abou5t half-way down the path from his door. I still didn't run. I don't know, I was just damned determine not to give the man the satisfaction of seeing me panicked (though I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared as hell. ;-) ).

  • talesin

    The most intense time I ever had in service happened shortly after I had a householder sic his Akita on me. I got away, but it was scary. After that, I was quite skittish of dogs.

    A couple of months later, my friend P and I were out together. He was scared of dogs, too. We were working in the wealthy area of town. We approached this house, it had a winding pathway, about 30 yards long, to the front door. We could see a sign in the window,


    We looked at each other, then started up the walk, moving slowly, keeping a watch all 'round for the beast. Not a sign of life. I could hardly breathe ... my stomach was in knots.

    Finally, we got onto the doorstep, and took a closer look at the sign. At the bottom it said, in tiny print,

    ... he may be little, but he knows Kung fu.

    Talk about relieved, phew!

    I kid you not, it was a poster from Mad magazine.


  • Pwned

    not intense but kinda funny

    when i was around 12-13 i went to a door with my sister anyways out of nowhere I saw this kid I knew walking towards us up the street, without even thinking about it I tore off my tie, stuffed it in my bag and threw my bag over the side of the porch. I was so embarrased.I made up a story of how i was just visiting a friend.

  • ballistic

    My friend went to knock on a door that was already open. So they knocked on the door looking into a hall way, and a guy came out of an adjoining bedroom with his shirt stuck around his head, no other clothes, and a massive hard on. I have never seem two sisters run so fast.

  • GetBusyLiving

    : ... he may be little, but he knows Kung fu.

    lmao talesin!!


  • avishai

    had a shotgun pulled on me at a house that reeked of pot (fresh, not smoke). Actually, this happened more than once, in rural Oregon.

    Friend of mine and I went into a small apt. complex in Reno. Each door had a lady come to the door in a sheet, saying "why don't you just leave them in the foyer" It took us about five doors to figure out that we were in an illegal whorehouse (you can't have them in city limits in NV) The bro's in NV actually go to the legal whorehouses to witness because at a lot of them the girls actually live there.

    Above all, though, there was this old hawaiian man we met in service next to the apt.s where I lived that me and the bro. talked to for about an hour. I ended up going back and talking to him about history, fishing, surfing, religion, hawaiian mysticism, etc. about every other day for a long time. He was wayyy cool.

  • Golf

    I don't recall any mentionable experience but here's from a brother in Brooklyn back in 1958. He was black brother and a former boxer. This householder slap the brothers face twice, the brother grab him by his throat and said, "Jesus said to turn the other cheek when you get slapped, but he didn't say anything about the third slap." The householder's eyes almost popped out.


  • Valis

    Eh the old lady sitting on the porch who started speaking in tongues...*LOL* my big tough guy dad making a hasty retreat *LOL*

    And one summer I had just about had it in service...it was really hot I remember..the brain was frying I'm sure.....I walked right up to this door and started to open it...This huge guy comes running to the door and starts screaming at me...

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