Jesus' Resurrection, shouldn't that also be celebrated?

by JH 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    I think the_classicist has hit on a major underlying reason the WTS doesn't celebrate it.

    Celebrating it would be too close to paralleling the Easter celebrations of other christian faiths and they have a fanatical need to keep their cult separate and distinct from the others. Much like their ignorance and deception on Jesus being impaled instead of actually having been crucified.

  • Pwned

    I agree they just have to find a reason to not celebrate any major holidays, true the popular Easter celebrations incorporate many "pagan" rituals but that is no excuse for not celebrating the resurrection of Christ if you are christian.

  • ozziepost

    Isn't the reason the dubs don't celebrate hisresurrection more to do with what they think is important about him, i.e. his death? Look at how many times the WTS publiscations speak of him being the Ransom, his death, perfect life for perfect life etc.

    In WTS' parlance, it's Jehovah who matters, the big guy, so why worry about the son?

    The WTS show themselves to be far removed from christianity. They are, always will be, an OT, law-based, legalistic cult.

  • Eyebrow2

    Wow...this is so funny that this is posted here today. I was driving home from Wal-Mart today, wondering the same thing. Why the heck doesn't anyone rejoice over that? I mean, that is Jesus' reward isn't it? He held up his end of the he goes to his promotion!

  • Scully


    This is a morbid thought, but seriously, there could not have been a resurrection unless there was a death. That's why JWs celebrate the DEATH of Jesus over his resurrection. They seem fascinated with death. A lot of them think that if you're going to die at Armageddon anyway, it's better to die beforehand so you'll have a chance to get resurrected.

    That's just messed up.

  • Mac

    In my true fashion of backing away from controversy...

    I opt to celebrate his Barmitzfah only. I do this seven days after Chrismas unless it falls on poker night... in which event I skip it and celebrate twice the following year.


  • JH
    In WTS' parlance, it's Jehovah who matters, the big guy, so why worry about the son?

    So, when do they celebrate Jehovah???????????

    They don't celebrate either....

  • FairMind
    true the popular Easter celebrations incorporate many "pagan" rituals but that is no excuse for not celebrating the resurrection of Christ if you are christian

    Sure it is! 1st Corinthians 4:6 " Do YOU not know that a little leaven ferments the whole lump?"

    And let's be fair, the Bible only commands Christians to observe a memorial of Christ's death not his resurrection. This isn't to say that celebrating his resurrection is wrong but not celebrating it is not wrong either. I don't believe you can make the same case for not obeying Jesus' command to continue celebrating his death.

  • FairMind
    Easter is only called Easter in English. In other countries, and the Orthodox in english-speaking countries, call it the Pasch, which means passover

    The Greek term for Easter, pascha, has nothing in common with the verb paschein, "to suffer," although by the later symbolic writers it was connected with it; it is the Aramaic form of the Hebrew word pesach (transitus, passover). The Greeks called Easter the pascha anastasimon; Good Friday the pascha staurosimon. The respective terms used by the Latins are Pascha resurrectionis and Pascha crucifixionis. In the Roman and Monastic Breviaries the feast bears the title Dominica Resurrectionis; in the Mozarbic Breviary, In Lætatione Diei Pasch Resurrectionis; in the Ambrosian Breviary, In Die Sancto Paschæ. The Romance languages have adopted the Hebrew-Greek term: Latin, Pascha; Italian, Pasqua; Spanish, Pascua; French,

  • ButtLight

    Ive been out for quite some time. Why do we celebrate his death, and not his birth? He couldnt have died for us, if he was never born! So that day seems like it should be more important than any of them.

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