Michael Jackson! How APPROPRIATE!!! Yet another knell of doom for the WTS, which has covered up CM's for so long!
Has Anyone noticed that a well-known Child Molester is a touted jdub also?
by Frannie Banannie 22 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Yes. I really feel bad for them, they don't deserve this.
Frannie Banannie
LOL, Sixy! Don't bite yer tongue!
Yer giving me a big grin, and wishing I had one of those 'mooning you' pics for the Tower, so instead ... hehehe
boo !! Hiss !!! Tower hahaha!! the mortar between your bricks is getting crumbly ....
thanks, fb
Frannie Banannie
Yer giving me a big grin, and wishing I had one of those 'mooning you' pics for the Tower, so instead ... hehehe
boo !! Hiss !!! Tower hahaha!! the mortar between your bricks is getting crumbly ....
LOL, Tales! This reminds me....back in 1992 when I was df'd, there was a Farside cartoon in the Escondido paper, I think.....it was a pic of a castle under seige....it looked like the WT.....and the soldiers at the top of the castle walls were throwing great blobs or cubes of JELLO at their enemies and wondering why their efforts weren't effective....makes ya think....their words are "jelly"....don't have much substance for setting matters right, eh?
homme perdu
michael jackson was never baptised so that doesnt make him a jw. also he doesnt agree with the jw doctrine in his tv guide interview a few years ago he made jokes about jw specifically pionering
In an interview with the radio program "Keep Hope Alive with the Rev. Jesse Jackson," Michael Jackson said, "I gain strength from God. I believe in Jehovah, God, very much. And I gain strength from the fact that I know that I am innocentsteve
homme perdu
did he say he was a jw?
ah, the straining of the gnat is such an arduous process ...
The Watchtower does not want their members focusing on individuals with talents (God-given) They claim it's considered idol worship which takes the place of God, (see "Beware of idolizing creatures," [The Watchtower 5/15/68], pp. 309-314). Members who have musical talents are encouraged to relinquish them to devote more time to the sect. Michael Jackson, argurably one of the greatest musicians in comtemporary misic history, was a former Jehovah's Witness. He was "reproved" for offending the Watchtower's leaders. Jim Penton has to say about Michael Jackson in his book, "Apocalypse Delayed":
"This was only the beginning of the society's action with respect to Michael Jackson, however. On 2 January 1984, the society answered a letter from Michael Pagano of St. Louis, Missouri, by stating: 'The society has been advised that Michael Jackson is a baptized member of the Christian congregation. However his being one of Jehovah's Witnesses should not be construed by anyone to mean that either the Society or congregation with which he is associated approves or endorses the music that he sings or plays, or all the aspects of his life-style." Then in attempting to imply inaccurately that Jackson was a new convert rather than having been raised as a Witness in a Witness home, the society remarked: "As you are well aware, some individuals who reach the point of dedication and baptism still have some worldly habits and ways which characterized the 'old personality' that must be stripped off" James Penton, Apocalypse Delayed, 1988, p. 278
After Michael was "reproved" for making the video "Thriller," that contained occult overtones, he admitted his guilt in the Watchtower's Awake! magazine:
"I Would Never Do It Again!..... In another popular video, Thriller, the performer is seen to transform first into a "cat person," then a dancing "monster." Evidently not wanting viewers to conclude that it promoted spiritism, the film begins with the disclaimer: "Due to my strong personal convictions, I wish to stress that this film in no way endorses a belief in the occult.?Michael Jackson." Nevertheless, it was so realistic that some who saw it admitted that they were horrified at first. What was this short film intended to convey? And how does the performer, Michael Jackson, feel about it in looking back? "I would never do it again!" says Jackson. "I just intended to do a good, fun short film, not to purposely bring to the screen something to scare people or to do anything bad. I want to do what's right. I would never do anything like that again." Why not? "Because a lot of people were offended by it," explains Jackson. "That makes me feel bad. I don't want them to feel that way. I realize now that it wasn't a good idea. I'll never do a video like that again!" He continues: "In fact, I have blocked further distribution of the film over which I have control, including its release in some other countries. There's all kinds of promotional stuff being proposed on Thriller. But I tell them, 'No, no, no. I don't want to do anything on Thriller. No more Thriller.'" Awake! 5/22/84, pp. 19-20
Yet with Michael's wealth, power, and fame, the Watchtower had such a strong grip on his emotions that he eventually admitted his guilt and shame to the Watchtower's leaders. Although Michael Jackson is no longer a Jehovah?s Witness, it would not be surprising if some of the Watchtower's control haunts him to this day. It?s a clear example of how the Watchtower Society controls their members. For example, Michael Jackson had built a private zoo to accommodate his Watchtower fantasy (living in his denial little world) on Paradise Earth. The Watchtower teaches that Jehovah will destroy the earth with its evil and he will bring a Paradise where people and animals would live in harmony.
~~~~Taken from http://hometown.aol.com/gismodfw/TheKingdomHall.htm
I personally feel that if MJ had been reinstated at some point, that someone would have mentioned it, through a congregation etc. What with the downhill slide since he DAed, it would be highly doubtful that he would have met with the elder's criteria for "displaying repentance and fruits of the spirit" in order to be known as a JW. I also figure that the WTS is cringing at every media announcement connecting MJ as being a JW (again) and that the "world" is collectively rolling their eyes at that same connection to "God's chosen people".
I wonder whatever became of Firpo Carr as being the "media consultant" for MJ? Ole "Rev" Jesse has had enough of his own bad press and would hardly be one to lean on for spiritual encouragement! It just gets more and more bizarre!