Has Anyone noticed that a well-known Child Molester is a touted jdub also?

by Frannie Banannie 22 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    michael jackson was never baptised so that doesnt make him a jw. also he doesnt agree with the jw doctrine in his tv guide interview a few years ago he made jokes about jw specifically pionering

    It really doesn't matter, HP.....He's pegged as one by the media anyway.

    I personally feel that if MJ had been reinstated at some point, that someone would have mentioned it, through a congregation etc. What with the downhill slide since he DAed, it would be highly doubtful that he would have met with the elder's criteria for "displaying repentance and fruits of the spirit" in order to be known as a JW. I also figure that the WTS is cringing at every media announcement connecting MJ as being a JW (again) and that the "world" is collectively rolling their eyes at that same connection to "God's chosen people".

    I wonder whatever became of Firpo Carr as being the "media consultant" for MJ? Ole "Rev" Jesse has had enough of his own bad press and would hardly be one to lean on for spiritual encouragement! It just gets more and more bizarre!

    Same goes here, Annie.....whether or not MJ is a professed jdub or the WTS claims him as one.....he's still pegged as one.....AND....the dubs didn't even hint that his df'ing was due to anything sexually illicit.



  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    ah, the straining of the gnat is such an arduous process ...

    ROFL, Talesin!

  • Sunspot
    It really doesn't matter, HP.....He's pegged as one by the media anyway.

    Hmmm, I wonder how JWs deal with all this out in FS? They probably spend more time explaining MJ's WTS status than selling the mags! Yup! It works for ME!

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    Hmmm, I wonder how JWs deal with all this out in FS? They probably spend more time explaining MJ's WTS status than selling the mags! Yup! It works for ME!

    There ya GO, Annie! LOL! Works for me, too, cher!



  • Country Girl
    Country Girl


    I noticed that too, but it seems that *we* think of MJ being a JW more than the world does, actually. That's just but a small part of the world of MJ in the media. It's in direct proportion to what the the world thinks of JW's. They're good for a laugh on a sitcom here and there, and some crazy doctrines, but really, no one thinks more of them than they do of themselves. They're a blip on the radar screen of humanity.

    I am not saying that this is not a BIG part of his past life that flows into his present behavior, as it has been for all of us, but for the world... they are focusing on his stardom, his music, his talent, his eccentricities, and not that small bit of life in his past that encompassed JW'dom. They don't realize the profound effects that being raised in this religion can have on an individual, nor do they care. Some may care, but most don't. They would rather focus on what in his previous life as an "entertainer" might have caused this all to happen (his break with reality). They don't see the JWs as harmfully as we know they are, and so they ignore that particular aspect of his coming up.

    I personally don't have a conviction of whether he is innocent or guilty right now, but for all the evidence that's coming out now, I think he at least has some nefarious traits that he's trying to hide.

    I was always wondering, since the 1993 case (I didn't know about the 1990 case.. probably heard but didn't care) if he had been molested by someone in his family, or someone in his congregation, or IF he had been molested. Wouldn't be entirely unheard of you know...

    Whatever happens, I think the truth will eventually come out. There are people that actually are like parasites that feed off the lawsuits against celebrities. Not the first time, won't be the last. I just think of the old idiom "Where there's smoke there's fire."



  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Well, gawrsh, CG.....I just think it's funny and a slap in the WTS' face, cause many times when some media hound plants a mike in Mike's face, they ask "the question."

  • what_Truth?

    Michael Jackson was never df'd. He disasociated himself in 1987 in response to his sister's disfellowshipping.

    Considering some of his past efforts (i.e. his remake of the Wizard of Oz and the Jackson 5 songs on the Motown Christmas compilation) I'm pretty surprised that they evey allowed him to be baptised.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    Michael Jackson was never df'd. He disasociated himself in 1987 in response to his sister's disfellowshipping.

    Considering some of his past efforts (i.e. his remake of the Wizard of Oz and the Jackson 5 songs on the Motown Christmas compilation) I'm pretty surprised that they evey allowed him to be baptised.

    Thanks WhatTruth! That was very simply and accurately put.....the answer? Money talks....especially in WTS-land.


  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    er,he hasnt actually been convicted yet.Another example of People so wanting this to be true.

    Also,if he da,d in 1987 then he is not a JW.

    In which case both statements in the leading question are false.

  • sad and lonely
    sad and lonely

    you're so late!..i known that for years...so was janet...but i guess she couldn't leave those #@^$& alone so she quit.

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