Would you want to go back to that 'illusion and fantasy'?

by Gill 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • JAVA
    JWs in particular are living in an illusionist paradise and pay the price for it with their sadly pressured and miserable life. Would any one want to go back to that?

    "Living forever" is a fools game in which the player loses by dying. Ater exiting the Tower it took awhile for the fact to sink in that I was going to grow old (well I'm already old) and die. As others have stated, I wouldn't want to go back into that WT fantasy for anything. When you think about it, have you ever seen a group that looks as sad as JWs going door-to-door? Even when they think they are going to live forever, they're down in the dumps.

  • Gill

    But imagine having to live forever and yet never being able to have a free thought of your own, or even your own opinion on something without being jumped on and punished for it.

    And that's how a lot of us used to live.

    It beggars the question -do we really need to live in fear of the WTBTs and it's henchmen the 'elders'?

    Dare we be free? When you finally get to the point where you no longer fear them, and they do not 'stress' you, then you've reached freedom and for some, it seems to be a longer road than others.

  • jula71

    what I was saying was that the 'truth' gives them what they believe are certainties.

    I think both of us are saying the same thing. Some people want to be TOLD what is certain, some are incapable of figuring it out by themselves. I feel this is a common thread with the type of people that cults attract.

  • Gill

    You're right jula - afterall, when we were witnesses we were told to look for people who were looking for answers and people do that usually when they're vulnerable for some reason or other and they are then vulnerable to the draw of cults that offer these certainties. Then, they can give into cult doctrines and no longer need to search for answers and think anymore for themselves.

  • heathen

    I'm pretty sure that the hope of immortallity is one that jesus offered those he found faithful when he returns , if it's an illusion then it's one jesus started . For him to say it's not going to happen is blaspheme .Who's word are you going to take ? For me I will take jesus word over that of any man especially one in the catholic church .

  • Pole

    For me being a witness was like being slightly intoxicated. At the beginning the booze of the Truth worked fine. I "knew" I worked hand in hand with the angels. And the cure for all my problems was just around the corner. Great booze wasn't it? When I occasionally managed to see that the Truth is only a drug, I had to use more of it to delete such nagging doubts from my consiousness.

    The question "Lord, where shall we go away to? which the WTS uses to cripple the self-dependence of the witnesses could be rephrased as: "Lord, which drug shall we use as a replacement"? For me, the question is flawed. You don't need a drug to face reality. Or at least, you have to make the drug and test it by yourself. With the WTS as the sole drug factory and dealer, you never know what you buy and how it will backfire on you.

    End of metaphor.



  • Jez
    Would any one want to go back to that?

    I've never thought of that. I can't undo what I know now. Knowledge has empowered me to live, look at life NOW, experience the wonderful world of worldly and ultimately, it will make my life experience broad, exciting and enriching rather than meaningless.


  • AlmostAtheist

    As I sat in church the other day, I looked at all the choir people and listened to the preacher and knew that I personally didn't buy a bit of it and believed they were all worshipping thin air. It seemed strange to me, being there with these sincere people, and believing they were so in love with this god that didn't exist. It was almost surreal.

    I would never go back to the fantasy world. If it's ever proved to me, then it wouldn't be a fantasy. But as long as there's no proof, I can't see me being involved in it again.


  • Gill

    But isn't it good to have the choice, whether to take it or leave it or not, instead of 'buy into this or DIE!'

    Heathen - perhaps, maybe and you have a right to believe it and maybe it's true and maybe not. It's good to have the choice. But when someone starts to shout 'Blasphemy' if you dare to doubt it then you've already lost your freedom and find yourself condemned. Is that fair?

  • heathen

    Well pole you did have a point . The WTBTS is off on their policies of obedience to the organization is equal to obedience to God . I think instead of inciting each other to love and fine works they evoke a spirit of pettiness and self importance by demanding that people spend all their free time in converting others , what do they offer those that do ? They seem more interested in building new facilities than taking good care of people that are working hard in the preaching work .

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