in my time involved with the jws, i used to play a lot of football nearly every week with the bros. i used to find it amazing and laughable how some, including elders, would start name calling and getting aggresive, sometimes to the point of making threats. it made me realise that football and other sports can show the true character of individuals. has anyone here experienced things like this when playing sports with jws?
Sport: bringing out the worst in JWs
by Pleasuredome 25 Replies latest jw friends
No, not really. But they do play agressively. You could easily break an arm playing some street hockey.
Whenever I see Jehovah's Witnesses playing any sport, it always looks like two monkeys screwing a football.
I don't understand why humans even bothered creating such a stupid idea like ego in the early makings. The gods must be crazy.
Yes. Same deal with us in Niagara Falls area, then the CO started telling people that we couldn't play because we were getting too competitvie. A$$hole. That was the only reason I went to the meeting Sunday morning, so I could play Sunday afternoon.
I use to get so annoyed playing with some of the witnesses... these hollier then though a-holes use to be total pricks when playing.... The funny thing me and another guy were the only ones who played (both played HS and college) and when we played we would just go out and have fun until one of them started to be a d*** then it was on. They were cool with it when they picked on someone, but as soon as we hit them hard they would start bitching and whinning..... It was always more fun to kock around the elder boys because they would be the biggest culprits of the above mentioned behavior.
Taylor S.
I always sucked at sports.
Never could throw a football straight ...
never could dribble a basketball without accidentally kicking it off court
And baseball ... well ... its been whispered that I throw like a girl. But I kick ass at pool though.
Watching those idiots play was so funny. Its like they thought they were good. Or they played as if it was the Super Bowl! Its like get a life High School wannabe!
I love playing sports. But playing sports with the JW's wasn't even fun for me. They were always over-competitive jerks. I go out and play basketball all summer on the playground and have a damn good time. But as soon as I have to play with some JW ass... it becomes un-fun. They always act like it's O.K. when they talk trash, but as soon as you taunt them back, then you get reported to the elders. God how I hate them.
They always act like it's O.K. when they talk trash, but as soon as you taunt them back, then you get reported to the elders. God how I hate them.
Glad I was not the only one who experienced this... I also thought it was funny what Brook said, most of them were terrible at sports but thought they were great. That is why when I played I just tried to have fun, but they made it ultra competitive. When we played pick up games with wordly people it was so much better. They were as competitve but were usually better, and had some type of social skill to go along with it, which made things 10 times better.
Having knocked the Witnesses, I know of 2 that could have easily got Division 1 looks for college if they played HS football/basketball. One kid was so good that I had him come out and meet the coaches, he practiced with us and tore it up.. I mean literally tore it up, but his dad threw down the hammer. Seriosuly, one practice Jim Tressel (coach at Ohio State) when he was at Youngstown State was going to offer him on the spot from just seeing practices. It is a shame. The other kid I am talking about was begged by area Catholic Schools and the local public HS to attend and play bball for them. He is/was amazing on the court, but again dad threw down the hammer. He would dominate all the summer leagues around here and open courts.
The roughest JW basketball I ever saw was at Brooklyn Bethel. These guys were playing thug streetball before the NBA was.
I enjoyed playin b-ball as a youth...for awhile anyway. When it was more like the college game and we actually tried to set up plays and pass the ball to the open player it was fun..but then over time the hotshots took over and turned it into streetball. No fun when one guy drives the lane with 3 defenders hanging on him when 2 guards and a forward are wide open and he refuses to pass. It turned into a one on one or two on two with the other guys just running up and down court for their health. Later on arguments started breaking out and when a fistfight broke out and there was an elder there who reported back to the other elders it ended our weekly basketball game.
Football(American) made for some interesting times. We tried playing tackle but the elders always counseled us on that and we had to go back to touch or tag. Even then we played football pretty hard and there were some injuries here and there. No fights but some hard hits that left bodies crumpled on the field.
The biggest elder argument I ever saw was during a softball game at a congregation picnic. The hitter hit a line drive to center field and the man on second ran home. The outfielder threw him out or so thought the pitcher. The brother coming up to bat said, nope, our guy was safe. The two elders stood on the pitchers mound and argued nose to nose just like an umpire and manager. It was hilarious. It took the sisters(their wives) to settle it by making them leave the game.