For those of you who dont already know by now, the Sheriff's Deputy who told us to stop picketing last thursday works for the very same department that I do. She works patrol, and I work corrections. I remember when she used to work in the jail a few years ago, but Im not sure if she recognized me. Anyway im faced with a dilemma and there are 2 possible choices
1.Speak to the Sheriff and inform him of my picketing activities, and hopefully he can give me some legal tips on my picketing and tell me what can be done, and where. This will be a good opportunity for me to do some anti-witnessing, plus offer my help on any cases that involve Jehovah's Witnesses.
2. Quit picketing in my county, and venture into other counties and jurisdictions. I can meet with other Police Chiefs and Sheriffs in surrounding counties and see what kind of ordinances they have that would hinder me from picketing.
Quitting picketing altogether is not an option as I have enjoyed it way too much, and I plan to use my free-speech rights to show the world what a destructive, dangerous, and deceitful religion Jehovah's Witnesses are.
What should I do??
This incident last thursday has really go me to thinking, and it kinda gripes me that my free speech rights have been surpressed.