I agree that you have every right to protest and picket, that's why I wish you well. I hope it works though I'm not sure that the time invested will result in much reward. I could be wrong, have been before.
Please don't misunderstand, I don't think you're loopy, I can appreciate how you feel having grown up a JW myself. But outsiders may not see it the same way. I see people protesting abortion clinics and I wonder what drives them to do it. I have not been affected by the abortion issue so I don't have the same feelings that the protesters do. As in impartial observer, I think they are too extreme. I just think that impartial observers to Kingdom Hall protesters will feel the same way.
I do not like the WTS but individual JWs I feel pity for more than anything. Many of them are good people who are just deceived, like we were once. There are some bad ones who misuse power and position, but the average joe-dub is not the bad guy, it's the GB and the legal department. Maybe protests and pickets should be held in Brooklyn instead of at the local level, just a thought. You don't attack the people you are trying to liberate, you attack the forces that have control over them.
Even though we disagree on methods I think we agree on principle. Good luck, I hope your methods reap the rewards you seek. Oh yeah, I hope you don't get arrested too.