What did you learn as a JW, in all those years?

by JH 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    After all these years of going to meetings, what did the average JW learn? (Add to the list)

    1. God's name is probably Jehovah or Yahweh

    2. Jesus comes second to Jehovah

    3. We will live on earth, not in heaven

    4. The end is close

    5. Only pray to Jehovah




  • kls

    We will live on earth, not in heaven,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,you mean the jws will live on earth, us Apostates are already dead

  • coffee_black

    Truth changes when the watchtower says so.

    Don't trust your own judgement.

    You must turn in your friend/family member if they disobey or even question the organization.

    The organization is more important that your family, your friends or your life.


  • doogie

    no one has all the answers and those that claim to are probably the least trustworthy.

  • kls

    That jws are actually plastic people with smiles painted on their faces.

  • JH

    5 meetings a week, 52 weeks a year....and going on for decades....we didn't learn that much....

    Probably taking up our time, was more important than teaching us something useful.

  • jeanniebeanz

    I learned how to view people who do not agree with me as less than human. I learned that it was okay to have a double standard, and how to lie to authority figures. I learned how to be cruel to others and feel good about doing it. I learned that is was wonderful to lookforward to seeing the bodies of my friends and family members having their eyes plucked out by black-birds.

    I learned that children were to be beaten and controlled. I learned that thinking was wrong. I learned that the Internet was a tool of the Devil. I learned that rich people were to be despised, but that I could live in their house and wear their jewelry after they were murdered.

    I learned that Jehovah was a mean spirited, vile child killer who showed not mercy to man or beast. I learned that free will was an illusion and only existed in theory, since if anyone did not make the 'right' choice they were on the chopping block. I learned that I had the love of none, since if I did not continue to believe, I would be abandoned. I learned that there was no such thing as a friend.

    Above all, I learned that Jesus was not a loving merciful person, but was to come as a conquering king and rule with an iron fist. I learned that the Bible could only be interpereted by the GB and that if I tried to understand it myself, it would stumble me so I had to use special books from the WTBTS. I learned that if I truly loved God that I would keep my mouth shut and allow myself to be abused by my husband indefinitly.

    I learned that I was a second class citizen, and that as a woman I only existed to satisfy a man. I learned that elders could drink themselves into a stupor every evening and it was not alcoholism since alcohol was 'food'. I learned that every inclination telling me to run for the hills away from these abusive morons was wrong, so not to trust my intuition. I learned to be numb.


  • JH

    That was great Jeannie !

  • coffee_black

    (((((((Jeaniebeanz)))))))))) I know. They taught us a completely warped view of life. I get sooooo angry when I realize what they stole from us and the minefields they planted in our psyche. Life is so much sweeter now that we've escaped.


  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D
    no one has all the answers and those that claim to are probably the least trustworthy. doogie

    I reread that about 5 times thinking on how to expand on that, but I can't. A precious lesson learned!

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