What did you learn as a JW, in all those years?

by JH 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary

    1. I learned that a woman should never publically show that she might know more about a subject than a man;
    2. That someone can be a drunk, a wife and/or child beater, a pedophile, a lazy slob, a racist and an asshole, but they're still a better person than someone in the world who leads a clean life, is loving, caring, a good parent and loves God.
    3. I learned that charity work is a waste of time, because only God's Kingdom will solve all our problems, by destroying 99.9% of the human race.
    4. I learned that visiting an elderly person who's not feeling well, and taking them some home made soup counts for nothing, but picking vegetables at Bethel is so important that pioneers can count it as "time" on their Service report
    5. I learned that if I could interpret the bible better than the Governing Body, it didn't mean I was smart or had God's Spirit, but it meant I was trying to run ahead of the Organization and forgetting my place in the universe.
    6. I learned that if a worldly person did you wrong, you could sue their ass off with the full support of the entire congregation, but if a brother did you wrong, you were to simply take the loss and not say a word.
    7. I learned that it was okay for the elders to drink their faces off on a regular basis, while at the same time putting a teenager on public reproof for getting drunk once or twice.
    8. I learned that it's perfectly acceptable to rip off your worldly siblings when it comes to your inheritance, but a big no-no to actually work hard to earn a good pay.
    9. I learned that Bethel only wants people who are skillfully trained as lawyers, doctors, nurses, computer programmers, yet the rank and file Witness are marked as "weak" if they go to school to be any of the above.
    10. I learned that people who go to church should take a close look at their religion and ask their priest/minister some hard questions, yet if a Witness does this, you're an "apostate.
  • iiz2cool

    I learned how to hate. With the constant emphasis on "hating what is bad" and "abhoring what is wicked" a person eventually is taught to hate everything aside from the watchtower. "Worldly" people are considered "bird food". All "worldly" organizations are thought to be controlled by Satan. So if someone "worldly" pissed you off you remembered that one day they would be "as manure on the surface of the ground."

    After leaving I learned to stop hating and I began to appreciate the differences in people instead of condemning them.


  • Goldminer

    I learned that "everything is vanity and striving after the wind" except for that service report.Your whole christian being and standing revolves around that,not how much love you show,how much bible study you do,how diligent a worker you are,how good a parent/spouse you might be,how much charity work you do.......your whole christian life hinges on that MONTHLY REPORT.

    I also learned that jw's do not have the "truth",no doubt in my mind.

  • the_classicist

    How to lie convincingly.

  • ButtLight

    I learned that one peice bathing suits just dont cut it for me!

  • BrendaCloutier

    Classisist.... good one. I attempted to believe the lies so I could lie convincingly.

    I learned enough to get out whilst I was still young at 20.

  • KittyLiquor

    I learned that I am going to die and not know a thing after that....So, I am having fun living my sinful life now....

  • KittyLiquor

    Did I just say that on my 69th post?????

  • iiz2cool
    I learned that one peice bathing suits just dont cut it for me!

    You should post some pics of yourself in both one and two piece bathing suits. This way we could all better appreciate the accuracy of your statement. Walter

  • moanzy

    I learned not to love or appreciate yourself. That everyone else is more important and that you are at the mercy of the elders. That being mentally healthy and having self-esteem might cause you to think too much on your own and create spiritual sickness.

    Family is not to be trusted about anything. That you are essentually "alone" if you have questions. There is absolutely no one you can talk to about it without being reported or labeled.

    If you DA yourself, you are at fault for not having family and if you would just smarten up then your JW family wouldn't have to suffer.

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