What are your PET PEEVES? Register them here!

by Spartacus 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Roamingfeline

    Men who talk about the stinky shit left in the toilet.


  • logical
    What ticks you off, makes you grind your teeth and go absolutely nuts!!


    Waking up.

  • Angharad

    I'm with you on that Larc - it drives me mad too.

    Also, how is it that every time I go shopping I a) manage to pick the slowest cashier in the shop and b) I ALWAYS end up behind voucher woman, who has been through every magazine printed and collected every single money off coupon, they then stand there for 10 minutes wading through the wad, don't get me wrong I'm all for saving money, but why can't they get them out beofre everything is totalled up[8>]

  • COMF

    People who pull in front of me in traffic and then drive slow. I don't mind you getting in front of me, as long as you go as fast as I'm going. But if you're not in a hurry, then why not wait until I get past you? I am in a hurry, as you can see by the fact that I'm driving the speed limit (or better).


  • COMF

    In conjunction with the driving peeve above: people who bring their families with them to the store, spread out side by side from left shelf to right shelf, and amble down the aisle at .ooo1 mph: plod... plod... plod...

    I have been known to remark to my companion when confronted with a group like this, "Dang, honey, we got one of the carts that doesn't have a cowcatcher on it." Did it spur them to move? No. Did it make me feel better? You bet.


  • BoozeRunner

    Speaking of driving.....Those idiots who DONT want you to pass.
    Just the other day I was on an interstate behind a slowpoke. I changed lanes to pass, and the moron sped up, preventing me from getting in front of him. I was forced back behind him since I ended up behind yet ANOTHER slowpoke.
    I finally got around the fool.


  • betweenworlds

    People who have to swing into the left lane to make a right hand turn!
    I don't get it?

  • AGuest

    I think THE greatest 'pet' peeve I have, is unloving, uncaring, STUPID parents.

    Parents who walk across a crowded parking lot with a toddler walking 2 to 10 steps behind them yelling, "Hurry UP!" ratehr than realizing a 2-3 year old is STILL A BABY. Parents who dress their kids in the lastest fashions so they LOOK cute, but they can barely spell C-A-T. Parents who LET their children be disrespectful and rude to others. Parents who don't care enough to attend parent/teacher conferences, help with homework, etc., which sends a message to the child that "I don't really care that much."

    Parents who, for some reason, don't realize that THEY have chosen to add a person to this world and have RESPONSIBILITY toward that child to help guide him or her. Parents who say to their child, from an early age, "I can't WAIT until you're 18 and you move out" or "Your moving out when you turn 18." Such a parent, to ME, has already set that child up to begin thinking that 18 means 'adult'... mentally, emotionally and psychologically. Indeed, some are, but my goodness, if we live an average 70-80 years, we only HAVE 18-20 years to be 'children'. We will be GROWN... for 50-60 years... which is LONG enough. And thus, be default, parents who push their children into adulthood SO fast, that such children entirely miss out on BEING children, and therefore revert BACK to thinking, reasoning, acting and FEELING like children at a time when they SHOULD be thinking, reasoning, acting... and FEELING... like adults.

    I know... 'long-winded' Shelby. Well... you asked.


    A slave of Christ,


  • spike

    Cut whiskers left in the sink basin, toilet lid left up, dirty socks and underware on the floor,oh that's a man, men are my pet peeve.

  • bboyneko

    Getting eaten by a walrus

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