What are your PET PEEVES? Register them here!

by Spartacus 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc

    People who put me down because I have an education. Yes, it has happened, they say, "Oh yeh, you think your so smart, well prove it." And I say, "I didn't come in here for that, I came in to have a cold beer, unwind, and chit chat, so back off mo fo."

  • larc


    My last remarks were addressed to Lilacs.

  • Roamingfeline
    This happens sometimes, once is too often. Me and my wife be curling toes, you know, we got it going good, sweatin and shiyt, ahhh shuky shuky now, then you start to feel it :).... meanwhile I also feel a pain, that is getting bigger and bigger while we curling and spreadin toes, that fruggan little ball of pain in the back of my leg, yup, that muthafrugga turns into a dayum CHARLIE HORSE!!, SHIYT!!! Aahhhh shiyt, it hurts, I be saying, "charlie horse, rub it here baby, please!!" I end up stretch out begging for relief.
    Don't that just pisses you off? DAYUM!

    Sometimes that dayum Charlie Horse hit both of us, neither one of us can help the other. LOL

    ROFL! Spartacus, thanks for sharing that. I thought I was the only one it happened to!


  • think41self

    People who abuse or neglect their children just because that is all they have ever known...are they living in a cave? Can they not see that they are continuing the misery?

    High maintenance people...by that I mean people who need LOTS of attention, cannot make a decision on their own, are needy and clingy, refuse to ever assert any kind of independence...ok, you get the picture. After having dealt with one too many of them in my life, I find myself now with an inability to even be around them for 5 mins.

    Guess it's a good thing I'm not a psychiatrist or therapist, huh?


    "When agnostics die, do they go to the great perhaps"?

  • ianao


  • reagan_oconnor

    Ha, Zev & Simon: I'm in the same boat. Since I fix PCs for a living (hardware & software) family & "friends" always call at the most moronic, inconvenient time, wanting me to fix stuff... you guessed it, "over the phone."

    Dana, I know what you mean about people who expect kids to be little adults. (They're KIDS!) I can't stand my neighbors because they're bad parents. It isn't the kids' fault, I actually feel sorry for them. They're the victims. (But they're still evil!!

    Simon, I completely agree! I wouldn't ask a mechanic to "come over to the house and take a look at the truck" or, better yet, "can you walk me through fixing it over the phone?" GIMME A BREAK! OK, my blood pressure is rising just thinking about this...

    I like saying that it appears to be an ID10-T (idiot)error. Some get it, some don't.

    There's one man who calls and invites me & hubby over for "dinner" (which turns out to be leftover cardboard pizza, if the dogs don't get ahold of it first) and then wants me to "take a look at the PC." First off, he bought a Gateway with "gold support" but doesn't like waiting on the phone for a tech person. He's paying Gateway, but I get cold nasty pizza. Invariably, one of his stepkids has changed BIOS settings or uninstalled a system file or some game-related madness and I must work for hours to fix it, while everyone else goes into the spa to drink and be merry.

    I've started telling people that I charge $100 an hour to do consulting. I do fix my sister-in-law's PC for free, but they always feed us a good dinner (and they make their own wine!!) and she home-schools her kids, so money is tight. And they're family, which is different.

    OK, I'm done now...

    I am the master of my fate/I am the captain of my soul.

  • Spartacus

    What about those who can't read body language - you know the "get away from me, I'm busy" signs. They just talk and talk, all the time you're sitting there with your head buried in your work, and they don't budge.

    They just force you to say, "Hey, I got work to do you gotta go".

  • Englishman

    People who tell me that they saved my butt before I was born.


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • larc


    This theme runs through a lot of lives. My son in law is a carpenter with a truck. Friends and family want him to spend week ends using his truck moving stuff or having him build stuff for them for the cost of materials, in other words free labor. My daughter is rather outspoken (got it from her dad) and put a stop to it. I told her to have her husband Sam give them an hourly rate and a mileage charge on the the truck and tell them to get a competitive bid. That should put a stop to the foolishness.

  • Francois

    Larc, I know exactly how you feel. It seems I've spent a lot of time in my life either apologizing for being intelligent, or trying to hide it. It's very invalidating.

    But, BUT, one of my pet peeves is an empty bottle left under the car seat where it rattles and bangs and generally gets on my nerves.

    Then there is the person who gets in the left lane of traffic (or right in England) and paces the car in the right lane and they're both going about 25 mph less than the speed limit. URGE TO KILL. What is it that makes some people utterly unaware that they're backing up traffic behind them by miles?

    Then there's the religious cult that's got it all wrong, make false prophecies, can't find its own ass with both hands in broad open daylight, and doesn't have the balls to reform itself.


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