It is an interesting coincidence though. I was thinking if it has anything to do with the full moon. There was a full moon on Dec 26th and there is always one at easter. The moon can affect the sea and if the sea is agitated maybe it can exacerbate a fault line under the ocean that was waiting to rupture. Just a theory, probably wrong.
For me this has far more significance than any holiday. Kevan and I both notice when it's full moon and new moon. People are more erratic in driving, walking, shopping, etc. Kev and I are noticable affected by some moons. New moon is on the same side of the earth as the sun, and may actually exhert more influence.
Easter is usually at least 4 days after full moon, as the first full moon after spring equinox signals the date Jesus died, so that would be at minimum on the Thursday night before Good Friday.
There is a good PBS show on the tsunami and earthquakes just made. I couldn't stay up for it, but Kev watched it and said it was really good. We're going to tape it so I can see it.
The reason why this 8.7 earthquake did not produce a tsunami, is how the faults moved. Vertical movement will usually trigger a tsunami, as it displaces water. Horizontal movement does not displace water. Landslides into the sea, and under the sea, if it displaces water will produce a tsunami.
What pisses me off is there are 8 people sueing NOAA for lack of warning! Hey, if you go to a 3rd world country, you are responsible for yourself.