Now worldly, that's not very nice! but honestly, I don't see much diffrence in peoples behavior during the mooncylce. Maybe I'm not looking hard enough.
I wonder what the wave meant..
by Bas 12 Replies latest jw friends
What do you think the WT makes of this?
That their god's calender is a day off. I mean really if he wanted to prove himself the WTS god, you'd think he would cause desolation on Christmas and Easter. And he's not very good at geography either. Surely the WTS god would pick a coast on the North American continent, to destroy all the false christians. Hell if he even picked the East coast he could have taken the UN out as well !
Of course Brooklyn would have somehow been preserved by the WTS god's outstretched hand.
New Worldly Translation
Now worldly, that's not very nice!
Haha, no offence meant Brenda It was just the origin of the word lunatic means someone who acts strangely during the lunar phases. In folklore it was believed the moon affected people's mood. I don't think it's ever been proved or disproved.