Wow. This kinda brings back memories... *shudder*
I remember at one hall I attended... whilst still living at home - I worked the amplifier and turntable in the back... and that was where I sat/stood during the meetings - behind the counter.
For some reason the fella whut was running the show there - decided to 'blackball' me. I didn't notice it at first... but then - like so many others have mentioned here - I would catch heck at home, if I didn't comment at least once or twice during the Sunday meeting.
Soooo... I would study the whole silly Watchtower, and then sit/stand in the back, and attempt to answer - by raising my hand. The conductor - who had it in for me, I suppose - would ignore me (and I _know_ he saw me).
So, I had fun with it. I did a little study. I thought that perhaps he couldn't see me. I moved to one side. Then the other. Nope. He would never call on me... and I would later catch heck at home for not commenting.
There were some of the others 'brothers' that were my age that would occassionally stand in the back - to try to stay awake... and one time I mentioned to one of 'em... "Watch this." *Raises hand* *Gets ignored* I told him what was going on. So he tried it. He got called on.
We just looked at each other.
This went on for quite a while, too.
I even tried it by sitting in the audience - (In the back area - of course) - and this fella was up higher, and could see me - and not call on me.
I'm not sure how long this went on... but it got frustrating for me... and was probably another nail in their coffin as far as losing me and my 'loyalties' to that organization.
My mom never believed that I was trying, either. She thought that I was lying, I suppose - or not trying hard enough.
Oh - and my comments were directly from the material... so it's not like I was getting creative and making things up - or embarassing the silly guy or anything. He was just a 'control freak'.
Jim TX