hi my sister and brother-in-law who claims to be a preacher,see visions,and who claims god sends him messages,say that speaking in tongues isn't words anyone can understand but the one who's doing it.and only he can tell the people what he was saying.i didn't a gree with him.i trying to show him a scripture i read,about the flames coming over the congrgations head..(i'm not really good yet with finding scriptures on my own)but i know i read it! he said i don't understand because i'm not in the carnal(being at gods level of understanding..as he is!) i witness it recently when my brother-in-law was in the ICU from a heart attack.his sista was at frist praying,then she started making those crazy sounds...i almost ran out!...it scared the crap out of me!...i don't believe thats from god...can anyone help with scriptures for me to show my family what speaking in tongues really is?...thanks!
speaking in tongues....words with meanings or jibberish sounds?
by sad and lonely 12 Replies latest social current
Didn't Paul say something about not speaking in tongues unless there was an interpreter present?
I've heard some speaking in tongues, too. It sounded Latin to me, but only based on the other Latin I've heard. I wouldn't have a clue what they were saying. It did sound like language, but those guys in the Star Wars cantina sounded like they were speaking in a language, too. :-)
Sorry, no help here. :-(
...i almost ran out!...it scared the crap out of me!
I would have flown out the door!!! LOL
1 Corthinthians 13:8 talks about speaking in tongues will be done away with.
I speak french and english, and when I drink, sometimes it sounds like jibberish.
Also 1 corinthians 14:9-11
In the same way also, unless you through the tongue utter speech easily understood, how will it be known what is being spoken? You will, in fact, be speaking into the air. It may be that there are so many kinds of speech sounds in the world and yet no kind is without meaning. If, then, of the speech sound , I shall be a foreigner to the one speaking, and the one speaking will be a foreigner to me.
And 14:5 says it should be translated.
i don't believe thats from god
No, it's not from god. Imo, it's a sort of chant that helps them to change there brain state. I don't really know from where it comes. Certainly not demons. The brain is preprogrammed for language. Maybe they are messing w that.
It use to be from god. But now, since it was suppose to stop, gods not doing it. I think its from satan myself
Had a fun experience as a missionary. We went to a Born Again church where they were speaking in tongues etc.. all very interesting anyhow we then happened to knock on the door of one of the members of that church. He was so chuffed (happy) to see us and said that God had brought us to his door - we couldn't agree more - he then started to tell us about how bad the Book Of Mormon is which is fair enough but as were obviously sticking to our story he decided to rebuke us using the gift of tongues.
After a few seconds of fairly interesting sounds (I'm not overly spiritual so I couldn't tell what he was saying) my companion says,
'What does that mean?' and the guy says 'It means God is great.'
I'm a bit cheeky (as people who read my posts may guess) so I chirped up, 'Why didn't you just say that.'
He wasn't impressed and closed the door on us - ah well. One day I will understand that language! -
Well, without anyone around to interpret, I think that it should be considered jibberish.