To all god-believers, what have you experienced at God's hand?

by AlmostAtheist 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlmostAtheist

    Atheists and the like are welcome to read along, but please keep this thread to the believers. I'm looking for your "testimony" if you will.

    What have you experienced in your life that you attribute to God or Jesus or whoever? What blessings, what curses, anything at all.

    I'm definitely not looking to cut you down, "explain away" your experiences, or laugh at you behind your back. I just want to hear from the mouths of those that believe what effect they feel God has had on their life.

    So please, come on down front, stand before the altar, and testify!


  • JH

    I believe in God, and I don't expect anything from him, even if I pray until I'm blue in the face.

    I think that we shall be blessed when time comes, not before.

    The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them. 4 And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.?
  • ButtLight

    I believe in god also. Im still waiting to see if he will bless me or not. (probably not) Guess I have to wait and see if I will be living on that paradise earth or not. I have prayed, and felt he heard and answered me. But I cant say I liked the answer I got. DFing.

  • Satanus

    Back when i still believed in the standard god, nothing. Now that i am into a sort of pantheism, yes i did experience something. But, it wasn't really at 'god's' hand. It was my own efforts. But, i'm not telling what it was.


  • ButtLight

    Come on satanus, you cant do that! speak out

  • HappyDad

    I believe in God, and like JH, don't feel he owes me anything for it. For me, the personal belief makes me a happier person. My internal makeup is such that if I go for a period of not actively doing going to church or reading the bible and meditating on it, then I'm literally not as happy as I am when doing so.

    Mathew 5:45 .............since he makes his sun rise upon wicked people and good and makes it rain upon righteous people and unrighteous.

    This scripture makes a lot of sense to me. I look at it from the standpoint that a lot of what I have, tangible and intangible, has come from my own effort because even the one who doesn't believe in God can have good things too. I feel that God spreads out his table of life, and we believers and unbelievers have to do our own footwork to benifit from that table.


  • FreedomFrog

    Ok....honey...I hope I count...though we've talked about this before.

    I believe in God (at the moment) and I have always wanted children...We both have a wonderful boy and a beautiful girl. I also don't think God "owes" me anything because he's already given so much. Now, do I believe this was a blessing from God...I don't know. I waiver back and forth on this. The reason I waiver is because I think of ones that wasn't blessed that was in my same situation...did God not approve of them but me? I don't think that's the case.

    For those who don't know was very hard for us to have children because of a condition I have and the chance of a miscarriage was much higher. When we first found out that I was pg with Zach I was 4 weeks pg and they said that he'd died and was going to have to take him out...but after other tests (and me crying hysterically) they found out that he was just small.

    Froggie Frog 5

  • heathen

    I've exsperienced plenty . Some good some bad . I've tried to exsplain some of the Good and was only called a mad man over it by family and " friends" even . Go figure . What's the point ? If you really want to know try and better yourself and share in the faith .

  • iiz2cool

    If there is a God I don't want to blame my experiences on him. No point in inviting more problems by pissing him off.


  • Qcmbr

    1/ Very direct answer to prayer to find out if God was there (no I won't elaborate:)
    2/ Protection from an attack from something supernatural (no I wont elaborate:)
    3/ I healed someone who had cancer.
    4/ I baptised many people while preaching - each and every time the spiritual experiences and feelings were very intense and some involved what I would class as miracles.
    5/ Had a dream about my wife when I was 14 years old - the dream contained location and actual feelings - I went to university based on that dream and married my wife while still a student.
    6/ Have received several very direct answers to doctrinal questions after prayer.
    7/ Received my patriarchal blessing - (personal scripture and revelation from God that gives guidance and personal instruction - it is so far 100% correct - and no its not a horoscope)
    8/ I have had several dramatic changes of heart in direct response to prayer - changes of heart that were quite profound.
    9/ Paid tithing all my life and never suffered finacially - in fact I've always had enough money to cover my needs and my family's (extended at times)
    10/ Lots and lots of basic solid knowledge from teh church (does that count?)
    11/ Was part of casting out of demons episode (not point 2) - not pleasant.
    12/ Have received all the saving ordinaces (baptism, gift of Holy Ghost, sacrament, endowment and temple marriage) - don't know if that counts.
    13/ Had opportunity to be a missionary for 2 years and be completely focused on God and Jesus - made a big impact.
    14/ Have two gorgeous daughters.
    15/ Have continuing revelation from a living prophet.

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