Not too long after I was baptised I told experiance at assembly about being in subjection to superiour authorities. That was almost 20 years ago and it was all downhill after that.
I would not have a very impressive resume in the JW org.
by minimus 126 Replies latest jw friends
Not too long after I was baptised I told experiance at assembly about being in subjection to superiour authorities. That was almost 20 years ago and it was all downhill after that.
I would not have a very impressive resume in the JW org.
I had a bookstudy group for several months as a 20 yo MS, they were a elder short of a deck of cards.
slimboyfat said: I once read a Watchtower.
Wow! I'm surprised you weren't made a District Overseer for that!! Just think, if you had've underlined it, you probably could've made it all the way to being part of the GB!!
My greatest privilege? Hmmmmmm. I was an MS finally at age 33. (I figured that if Jesus could wait til he was 33 before he started his ministry so could I) I gave a Sunday talk about how to have a happy marriage. Yeah I was the expert for a little while......that is for about 6 months when I decided that I didn't want a happy marriage. Ooops.
Actually, my favorite was the parking lot attendant at the convention. Need I say more?
I had my 15minutes of fame in one of those modern day drama's at a convention, was a long time ago, think I must have been 14? They only picked me for the colour of my hair though, was one of those 3 life stage drama's. I played the part of the younger sister of a guy who had been offered drugs at school. God I wish I had the tape of that now, it was p*ss funny! The tape was of course made in the US, so I came out with quite a good US accent after many weeks of rehearsing it!
Second would be a part I had on an assembly program. My parents put me forward for a part where I had to spill my guts on how remourceful I was for having tried to make friends with the people I worked with during my job at McDonalds when I was 15. I had to write the script myself in answer to the City Overseers interview questions, and then hand it to him...he gave it back to me completely rewritten, and barely resembled my story. Seems he wanted to make me out to be considerably more remourceful than I really was. Oh my, thinking about all this gosh makes me feel ill!...what memories?!?!
I remember one more thing...on both occassions when I was about to get up on stage I had a coat drapped over my apparently immodest attire! I was always getting in trouble for that sort of thing, mum was always yanking the length of my skirt down, or the level of my top up haha
We used to have the bookstudy held in our home... WHAT A PRIVELEGE... and then of course we had a problem with the only brother turning up for the study being the brother taking the group for a few months. So as a sister I was given the incredible privelege of the reading assignment. Looking back it must have been incredibly amusing listening to me read cos I have a slight lisp which really becomes pronounced when I have to read out loud etc!
...he gave it back to me completely rewritten, and barely resembled my story.
I just had to comment on this..........The same thing happened with my part at an assembly.
I was a reg. pioneer for 4 years...I don't miss going out in the hot summer and freezing in the winter months!
Poor sisters----having to wear dresses in the winter!