What Was Your Greatest "Privilege" In The Organization?

by minimus 126 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I've seen the CO use privileges to keep elders in line. They were handed out as rewards, especially when you sided in with the CO against a fellow elder.

  • tijkmo

    min that is a point i have been thinking about recently....at a recent meeting the account of ananias and saphira came up and how they lied about the money they donated...now the money was theirs so they didnt have to give any of it and heaven only knows lying is not the unforgivable sin...so the argumentation used for why they were destroyed (and dont forget that is everlasting destruction since as annointed they dont get to go to heaven or earth) is...they were trying to curry favour by appearing to be giving more than they were and wanting to be seen that way by others..and j read their hearts..so how many jws esp elders would past that test

  • minimus

    Interestingly, the Society does not count Annanias and Sapphira as having sinned against the spirit.

  • tijkmo

    never really thought about it..just presumed they must have...please explain

  • minimus

    In print, they've never mentioned their names. I tink Blondie could back me up on this.

  • Berean

    Accounts servant, book study conductor, Congregation Secretary, Ministry school overseer, I have 26 talk outlines in my files plus one memorial talk, circuit assembly parts, sound at circuit level, many others.

    Good grief... makes me tired just thinking about all the hours spent.

  • GetBusyLiving

    I was Josiah in a drama once, played the harp and all. Also did lots of little skits and experiences on Circuit assemblies.


  • crazycate

    I was an "attendant" for the toilets. My job was to stand at the front of the line and tell the sisters when the next stall opened up. They wanted me to have a tag under my name tag that gave me the authority for this "job," but because I was a sister, my tag couldn't say "Attendant" (I guess I might get uppity) so it said, "Restroom."

  • willyloman

    Ken P. ('undecided') posted a long list of privileges he had in the organization. His resume and mine are virtually identical.

    Like Ken (and the Apostle Paul), I now consider it so much refuse except to the extent it is helpful in getting people to listen to me about JWs. With these "credentials" you sometimes get more respect for your views and if that's true, I don't mind using 'em.

  • upside/down

    Kingdom Hall Building Committe Member

    Substituting EVERY week for some flake who didn't show up for the TMS.

    Cleaning piss of the toilet seat since Dub men can't "aim" or wipe up after themselves (that's womans work)!

    Oh yeah.... and the "privelege" of feeding the CO and his wife that were on the "steak, lobster and caviar diet."



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