I'd like to share my baptism and dedication story because I felt exactly that void! It is very personal...
When I was 10 and had been removed from school by my parents because they thought I was too easily influenced by the wroldly kids after they found a rude poem in my lunch box I wanted to try and get back into their favour. So I said to my Dad, bearing in mind my mother had been baptised at theage of 9 (criminally young - how can you know your own mind and what it will be for the rest of your life at that age?), "Daddy I'd like to get baptised." I already felt like I was a year too old given my mother's experience. So my Dad said I should read the bible from cover to cover first and then come back to him. So I did.
It took me three years - the only books I really enjoyed were Song of Solomon, Psalms and Proverbs and action packed Genesis. I went back to him just after I turned 13, and said "I've read the bible Dad and I want to get baptised" one night in the kitchen as we were washing up after dinner. "And you;ve dedicated your life to Jehovah?" he replied. I floundered mentally - how could I have forgotten this bit, and not wanting to show myself up I said gravely "Yes Daddy" whilst mentally saying a very quick prayer in my head at the same time which went "Dear Jehovah I dedicate my life to you,injesuschrisnameamen", hoping that lying and making it into truth simultaneously was okay. SO that was my dedication - I think I had a it of a longer prayer when I went up to bed and I really did mean it, I meant that I wanted to make my parents proud of me and if that meant baptism then that too. I never imagined for one moment that I might get disfellowshiped or the consequences...
In my parents favour they never pushed me to get baptised - in fact the opposite they really tried to hold me back, ut the more they did the keener I became. And of course I did believe it was the truth and I also hoped that baptism would help them trust me more and let me have some more freedom to associate with the other kids in the congregation without them watching my every single move.
So I went through the questions faultlessly - I could answer everything using my own words and so the elders gave the okay. And disappointingly for me the next baptismal opportunity was at the district assembly - but I couldn't very well say actually I'd rather what for the autumn circuit assembly where more people I know are likely to be there. I was a skinny underdeveloped gawky 13 year old though and the idea of fewer people seeing me in a bathing costume encouraged me. So I spent the next few weeks purely concentrating on what bathing costume to wear. No one else from my congregation was getting baptised at that assembly that I can remember - just me. And then a day or two before the convention the worst possible thing happened - I got my period!
I knew about tampons but I'd never used one so When we went shopping I picked a packet up trembling and put it on the conveyor belt - Dad didnt notice but when we got home mum Humped and said you know how to use those do you? Embarrassed and defiant I said yes. I spent a whole night up crying trying to find where the hole was (sorry if this is too much detail - I just have to tell it the way it was). As far as I could tell from he exquisite diagrams on the little instructin leaflet from Tampax I didnt even have the right hole, but I was way too scared to ask or confess! I prayed and prayed for God to stop my period. I had visions of getting in the swimming pool which was not at the football stadium, but some public pool hired for the occassion nearby and bleeding everywhere. I can't tell you how afraid and traumatised I was and my mum didnt offer any help if she could have guessed what i was going through. The morning came and my period had not stopped and I sat through the baptism talk having to be nudged by mother to answer yes while I panicked horribly.
Then it came time to get on the coach to the pool. I borrowed my sisters little cartoon hanky in a fit of desperation. It was a blurr, in the changing rooms it was horrible - I had never undressed in front of anyone having missed out on that part at school and was terribly self conscious. there were no cubicles and I was really slow wishing I could hide or something. All the other women were so wrapped up in themselves they didnt notice little me - the youngest one there nearly crying and still praying that something would happen. A woman, and I hope she wasnt a sister snapped at me to get a move on as nearly everyone had gone through. So I did the only thing I could do and tucked the little hanky in the crotch of my pink shiney bathing suit and hands folded in front of my groin I trooped out like a lamb to the slaughter, slid into the pool and waded towards the nearest white tshirted John the Baptist alike and while I was being dunked all I could think and pray was "please God, dearest Father, do not let me bleed now". My parents were in a balcony area and took some pictures, and even at that great distance you could see the fear in my face in the photos.
It was horrible. It makes me feel sick and scared just reliving it now. I was relieved when I was dressed and it was all over and now looked forward to some presents and cards and congratulaions. But it seemed everone from my congregation had forgotten or didnt care. The only person who gave me a hug other than my parents was a very new bible study called Di who was a lovely woman with three unruly boys and a very opposing husband with hardly any money and she bought me one of the new mini NWt bibles which had recently been released and a card. It was awful, horrendous and an experience that I'd rather forget.
I went homefeeling defalted and awful and never felt any better about it, particularly as I harboured the suspicion that I had done it wrong by not dedicating myself properly first.
When I was trying to be reinstated when I was 17 I asked my Dad whether if you hadnt dedicated yourself your baptism still counted but he said maybe not but I couldn't own up to him what I had dne and the guilt I had carried all those years so I never pursued it further.
So in answer baptism and void and horror - all go hand in hand. I've never seen a horror movie that was as frightening as that paricular experience was to me.
Phew - I need a stiff drink! That was hard!