see above for faith in action.
Is it ok to be critical of the pope yet?????????
by tyydyy 62 Replies latest jw friends
Max Divergent
Perhaps [the Mod] thought that thread wasn't the appropriate one for proper criticism and well that IS the way it is sometimes. Not terribly restrictive or something to get freaked out by. There is more than one tack into the wind you know...
[edit] that. When have JW's held back from savaging His Holiness? I can understand ex-JW's being pissed at being held back from their former favorite sport...
I locked the thread because it was, IMHO, in very poor taste.
Max Divergent
OOhhhh.... ahhhh.... mustn't be in bad taste now, must we.... that's not f'ing Rowan Atkinson of Black Adder to the left of screen is it? Now... he'd never be in bad taste would be? Probably got a night-hood by now?
Well, Max, I'm sorry you are displeased with my decision. I'd also point out that I'm quite happy to retract something when I make mistakes. However, I do stand by my decision to lock the thread.
Max Divergent
E/man... didn't see the post, couldn't give a damn either way, but will stand for liberty and freedom any day!! ;-) LOL! Cheers
That's exactly what I did. "Glorious thread"? You think I'm looking for glory? I'm expressing myself and my loathing for religion in a forum that should understand the kind of emotion I'm feeling. If you can't respect that, then fine, it's you who's "dishonored" yourself.
Loathing would be the exact word to discribe how I feel about the Catholic cult. I have no love for the man either. I do respect your point of view. I was just giving you another perspective, the high road if you will. Man, you have years ahead of you to say whatever you want about the man or his religion, but there is the humanity of the situation. He was someones uncle, friend, I dont know maybe even a grandpa or daddy. A little respect for them cant be wrong. A little graciousness never hurt anyone.
Is it ok to be critical of the pope yet?????????
I'm not telling you what to do or feel, you asked a question and I gave you my answer to that question.
Since I have been posting here......not very long, the title of the thread that was closed was the only one I found in bad taste and offensive. I don't look at some simply because I am not interested or don't have the time. I chose not to look at it so I don't know what any of the posts said.
I have been watching the news this am. He clearly was a man that is a leader among his people (in their eyes) They are orderly in their observance, respectful and saddened. He is a dieing man.
I never know when someone from the GB dies and I never mourn their deaths. I don't know if that is the proper way to think or feel about things, just the way it is for me.
At the very least there is deep emotion for Catholics right now, something I do not find with the JW's. The witness religion seems void of deep feelings with death, almost as if we are not supposed to grieve for fear it would be seen as not having faith in resurrection to paradise.
We are only guests at this board and would do well to respect the decisions of the ones that moderate it. I find that we have freedoms only conducive to the enviroment we are in. I cannot use my rightful freedom to have sex with whomever I want WHERE EVER I choose. It's wise to know the appropriate time and place to exercise our freedoms.
If you think you might be offended by what's said in a thread then don't read it. I think it was very obvious what kind of posts would appear in a thread titled the POPE's last poop. IF YOU ARE GOING TO GET YOUR FEELINGS HURT BY THE TRUTH THEN GO BACK TO THE WITNESSES!
I will read what I want and say what I want. But I RESPECT the right of the owner of this Board to patrol it and keep a rein on posts, according to the guidelines. Sorry, but there are guidelines not only here but in the real world. Englishman did the right thing.
I didn't have MY feelings hurt, but it appears you did because of your ranting on about the situation. SHOUT BACK TO YOU.. AND REPLY TO THE LAST STATEMENT HIGHLIGHTED ABOVE.....THERE LITTLE TRUTH APPEARING IN MOST OF THOSE POSTS.
AuntieJ, lover of Peace.
Guess what Englishman? I think it's bad taste for people to talk about what a good man he was when he led half the world down a path of ignorance. That's why I said something. I expressed my thoughts and feelings in the form of words. You expressed your feelings without explaination, simply by locking the thread. So I think the real problem with that thread was that it hurt your feelings.
If we go on wondering if what we say about some religious leader, in the form of a discussion, is going to be shut down then why are we here? This has always been a place where we could critical of the worlds sacred cows. No one used filthy language or lies to be critical of the old man. Only facts. Does the truth really bother that many people here?